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Samantha Bee: There isn't a "smug liberal problem"

General Discussion - News, Rumors & Gossip
(CNN) Comedian Samantha Bee told CNN's Jake Tapper on Sunday that she didn't think there was a "smug liberal problem." The host of the show "Full Frontal" spoke to Tapper on "State of the Union," fresh from hosting her own alternative White House ... read full story on CNN


The smug is deep.


The smug is VERY deep.



I just have to roll my eyes about her saying let's celebrate a free press while we still have one. Had Hillary been elected her gagging of the press during the election cycle would be nothing compared with if she had become President. There would have been NO dissent presented relative to a Clinton White House. And may God strike down the academic morons who justify this by saying the media only has a responsibility as to how they feel about people and events. No thanks to that. Media should use one standard and apply that evenly to the people and events covered.



Liberals are only in favor of free speech when you agree with them. When they can't win the debate they simply try to silence you, as they did (temporarily) with Mr. Bill. Howard Dean
(the screamer) even stupidly tweeted that "hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment." Uh yeah, idiot, actually it is. Of course libs don't give a shit about the constitution. To them it's just a piece of paper standing between them and total control and their Fascist Socialist Utopia.

It also irritates me when they spout their idiotic "Love Trumps Hate" slogan. Oh really? It's not Conservatives who riot, loot, and burn when their candidate loses. The Left is the largest Hate Group in the world.



Can't stand this woman






This cunt can fuck off and die and take Rachel Madcow with her.


Roger that!



Wait, what is this? Is this really a news report posted on MC like a Google news suggestion? I clicked the user CNN and nothing. This. Is. Awesome. Jim opted to post ads as threads, nice marketing move, Jim.


It's from the "news, rumors and gossip" tab. If somebody replies on one of those items to start a discussion , it gets moved to the "threads" tab.


"News, rumors and gossip" tab? Where is that?



It's located next to threads on the general discussion board.


Thanks. I found it, but when I clicked on it, nothing happened.



For some reason it doesn't work all the time. I'm thinking there's a glitch in the system.


Okay. Thanks.



I thought the same thing on the first similar thread I saw. I think the 'user' was ABCNews, and I thought 'Is ABC really registered on MC now?!" Then realized what was happening.

It was a smart move on Jim's part to further generate discussion. I had no idea this kind of thing was even available for forums.


@texasjack and Catbooks,

I didn't know that feature existed. It's a pretty cool move on Jim's part.


It is pretty cool!


Well, she's clear evidence that there is.


What a smug thing to say.
