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My aunt lost her husband when the kids were young

Three kids they had. 2 sons one daughter. The eldest kid, the first son, died few years ago through a car accident. 2 deaths and 3 living people. Aunt is getting old. Few years ago, her other son died due to an accident too. She is old now and her only remaining relative is her daughter who is married to a selfish person who only cares about his interests and profits.

So, my aunt faced 3 deaths of her close relatives in her lifetime, and she is very old now and has to survive by doing a job even now.

Whenever i remember her i cry blood tears. But it doesnt make me curse God as the devil tells me to. It makes me realize a little of the infinite wisdom and greatness of God. There is nothing like God. Only because of him and for him we exist. The heaven trembles at the Glory of the Lord. The angels shed trillion tears. There is nothing but God, and i am tearing up typing this
