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"Talk it is cheap, People follow like sheep, even though there is nowhere to go." --the meaning:

A common quotation is "Talk is cheap" which means that sure, it's easy and enjoyable to talk a good game, but if no action is taken to get behind the talk, then talk really means zilch. (You all know what zilch means?) This not only applies to our politicians who regularly get elected into office by talking a good game, but, in reality, don't keep the promises that they made while running as a candidate for whatever office, especially President of the United States.

The refrain line from the famous rock song by the British-born 1960's rock group, the Tremeloes, called "Silence is Golden", in which the refrain line is; "Talk it is cheap, people follow like sheep, even though there is nowhere to go." has an especially intense meaning, because, in addition to talk being cheap, it means that people swallow the talk hook, line and sinker, even though it's often only propaganda, or lots of honeyed promises to bring jobs back, better the schools, you name it.

Although the Tremaloes' 1960's song "Silence is Golden" is about a guy who sees that a gal he knows has been deceived by another guy that she loves, and yet doesn't know what to say, certainly means that the gal fell for the lines of the guy that she thought loved her, sort of like sheep to the slaughter.

Well, the same thing can be applied to politicians who've made all kinds of honeyed promises to the electorate to improve the economy, bring manufacturing jobs back here to the United States, and improve the infrastructure, pull us out of wherever, and yet fail to live up to those promises. That has applied to pretty much every politician who's been president of the United States, all the way up from Roosevelt to Donald Trump. Inotherwords, the politicians talk a real good game, and get people to believe them by saying what they want to hear, and yet, end up screwing over their Electorate in the end. Unless there is some concrete action behind the talk, or unless the American Electorate at large wises up and begins to think more about what most of the politicians are really and truly up to, stand for, and say, talk will continue to be cheap, and people, at large, will follow like sheep, even though it takes them on the path to nowhere, or to some really horrific events, such as what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930's and 1940's, when Hitler was in power, or right after 9/11 when G. W. Bush used the uniting together of Americans right after 9/11 to lure the American Electorate at large into supporting an unnecessary, illegal, wrongheaded, irresponsible and stupid invasion of Iraq, not to mention how many other politicians have gotten the United States involved in the same type of invasions of other countries whose governments don't tally up with United States' interests. Do Viet Nam, Korea, the Philippines and Latin America come to mind, anybody?


What about Cheap Trick?


Nothing to worry about Bubba it's just some Indonesian junk that's going round.
