MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Where is everyone?

Where is everyone?

So Inhumans has basically no posts. I mean a grade four student has more posts on his private YouTube uploads. Game of Thrones should've crashed the servers when the Dragon was killed. Where does everyone go to ask questions and get answers about shows and movies now???

Is any body out there? Does anybody care? La la la...


Right here meow. And Dragon was killed ah man! jk. Anyways I suspect less than 1% of the total IMDb users actually knew about this site when it closed. I assume other people around the world started their own movie and chat website as well. Look at TMDb, it has been around since 2008 and its a ghost town. There has only been 1 new post on The Last Jedi page since Sep 16. IMDb was a worldwide cult phenomenon that I don't think that can ever be replicated again. I do miss going to the forums and reading about movies before and after I watch them.


Ya. I could ask a question about any show and a fan somewhere would know. Now, you can't even get accurate episode titles or dates on imdb. It's worthless.


That was the amazing thing about imdb is that someone somewhere knew the answer.


The same thing i can ask about Tomb Raider,but as i learned so far,i'm the only fan i move along😉


People scattered into the wind. Some people are here and others are elsewhere. Feel free to start a thread on the individual boards and hope that someone responds.


Imdb discussion board seems to have been something of an anomaly, a unique combination of smart movie info web layout that are user friendly that attracts casual browsers that then may be intrigued by the extra feature of discussion. Also it has the benefit of almost always being the top movie website that google returns when people search for nearly every movie.

That is why is was such a shame that it closed it boards. This site would take years to replicate that kind of success, and likely never would because the focus of this site is discussion which most casual movie info seekers are not looking for.

Also it is worth noting that the mods here seem to be hyper sensitive to any perceived terms violation; some of which are questionable. It is likely they are trying to keep away would be trolls, the type that sort of ruined imdb in the first place, but this also can be a turn off for those interested in more heated discussions. Which means those that are more regular and aggressive posters might not feel this type of site is for them and move on. Which means the heavy posters are not coming here anymore and there are not enough casual posters to keep discussions fresh.

So this site has a lot going against it. I think the only thing that can save it is if they somehow made some kind of arrangement with imdb to have a link system on that site to this site. otherwise I doubt this will survive. Since I have been trying this out it seems it peaked and is now already dwindling.


There are over 500 threads on the GoT boards since the start of season 7. Maybe we didn't melt Jim's server down, but that's a pretty decent amount of activity.



Maybe because "Inhumans" was soooo bad....we deleted it and forgot about it! I gave it 15 minutes, deleted the premier, then deleted next week's episode. I have Directv so I set my future recordings while viewing the current episodes.


Yeah, spoiler alert.
Sorry, my bad for not being caught up. At least now I know I need tissue to watch the finale.
