MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Survey Says?????

Survey Says?????

How many people here actually check out the Trending Bar and respond to some of those individual boards?
I do! Every now and then I see something of interest. I respond!

How many people here actually POST in the individual boards?
I do! I keep wishing that more folks who are "Having a Blast" on this General Discussion Board would start actually discussing movies on the individual boards.

I know and I see many of you folks who actually do post on movie and TV Boards. It's getting better all of the time.

There are some who say they should, but they still seem to be stuck on this particular board. This is a nice place. I enjoy General Discussion too.
We still have to be aware of the fact that this is MovieChat and we need to build up the community.
There are folks on the individual boards who want to talk movies, actors, TV shows. They are seldom here on General discussion. Why would they come here if they want to discuss what we are here for?

We ALL need to test the waters and swim further than General Discussion.

CHALLENGE![ Spend 24 hours OFF General Discussion and ON any of your favorite movie or TV show boards.... maybe try a few of your fave actors and wake up those boards!
Doesn't matter if you are discussing things on a thread that is 10 years old. Pick a thread. Pick several thread that interest you. Start giving your thoughts and who knows??? You may get some responses! Maybe from ME!!!!
It dosen't matter when you read this. ONCE you read this, BEGIN!


I always post on the boards of movies and TV shows I watch or am interested in.


I'm glad to hear that.


I used to check Trending and post on other boards quite a bit, on a regular basis. That was back when only occasionally you'd see Trump or Hillary's boards on there, and it was easy enough to ignore if you wanted to, which I did.

Then, over the months, it's become Trump 24/7, and a juvenile hatefest on both sides. (Thankfully at least no one's posting on Hillary's board anymore, so that's one down.) Seeing Liz on Trending is a welcome relief, which helps mitigate it a bit.

I really wish those who are posting their seemingly endless diatribes on Trump's board would take it to the Politics board here, where it belongs and I'd never see it unless I sought it out. Which would happen right around the time hell freezes over.

The other thing that often prevents me from posting on individual boards is I'll see a film or show, or even think of an actor other entertainment-related person, go to their board, and find it's filled with thread nitpicking a film/show/person to death. Or, a perennial favourite, "WORST film/show EVER!!!!1" To be fair, a lot of those threads were from back in the IMDb days.

Anyway, these are the reasons why I've been primarily hanging out in GD -- when I've been here -- instead of venturing out like I used to do.

But, I'll try giving it another go, MissMargo.


I'm not trying to be an Arvin here. I certainly don't want to demand that everyone do this or do that.
I had a great morning talking to some nice people on the Twilight Zone board. One of them is from my old days on IMDb. She is very nice. There are other folks who are out there. They aren't interested in how many posts one makes. I just know that after a while, getting out there and posting on some individual boards wasn't such an effort. It was a pleasure! The boards aren't always what they use to be and if they are, we could make a difference.
I wish that the politics would go to the proper board too. Unfortunately, things here aren't set up in a proper way. We have a leader who seems to be missing in action. I guess that this is what we get. I can settle for this. No frills with decent people.
Those people are also on the individual boards too. I'm just concerned that they won't bother much longer. Then? I guess this site consists of General Discussion.
I talked on other boards this morning as well. I got fairly good responses!


LOL, I'd never think of you as an Arvin.

For me, it's never been a matter of people not responding, or not responding quickly, when I posted on boards. I don't care about that. Sometimes people see the board I've posted on on Trending and have responded quickly, other times it can be weeks or months, or never, when someone responds. Makes little nevermind to me.

As far as the politics go, and how it factors into my participation, I see it as being a confluence of a few factors.

One, IMDb, nor any other movie/TV-related message board has had the Trending feature Jim dreamed up and implemented (which, IMO, has been a great thing, overall).

Two, we in the States currently have a POTUS who was the star of a popular reality show, and so had a profile on IMDb, which transferred to MC.

Three, this has to be the most contentious election and presidency ever, with *extremely* hot feelings on either side.

Add them up together, and we have here what we have. I fear I'm not the only one who's turned off by the results, especially people who are new to the site, regardless of what their politics are.

As I said, I used to post often to other boards; I'm merely explaining to you why I stopped.


We pretty much see eye to eye on things. I have to admit that I never saw the Trump board on trending being such a turn off to people. I can understand how that is possible.
Want to hear a real screamer?
I noticed President Abraham Lincoln's picture on the trending bar this afternoon. I assumed it was one of the movies or documentaries on his life. I checked it out.
Nope! Just the man himself! He had no Reality show in the past and he had no acting credits due to appearing in movies and TV shows. He is here because he was our 16th president.
I'm sad to report that the posts on his board are no more intelligent than Trump's.

I'm still plugging away.....


OMG, you're right! I started to look up various former presidents, and every one had a former IMDb and thus now a MC board, including George Washington 😂

I'm doing what I can when I can, joining you in the plugging away.


I honestly do not care about the trending bar or the number of times that our current president makes it there!
I honestly assumed that everyone KNEW that each President Of The United States is included in IMDb/MovieChat!
I can't believe that there isn't a single person OUT THERE who had NO IDEA!

Sorry, Cat. I did know this from my days at IMDb.



Why the Kardashians????
There are documentaries on history. You will naturally come across many people in history. What is so absurd about this?


The Kardashians are here because they have a TV show. Makes total sense, regardless of how I feel about them (which isn't good, although I've never seen even part of any of their shows).

Reagan is here because he was an actor, who later happened to become a governor and later a president. Makes total sense he would be. Likewise Schwarzenegger and Trump.

Sorry, MissMargo, I'm with MIchiganJFrogg.


You may not care, and that's fine. Good on you. But you must know that this presidency has to be the most contentious one ever (with perhaps Lincoln being the exception, although neither of us were around then, so who knows), with people being more polarised than ever, and therefore more unpleasant than ever. It IS off-putting to many, regardless of how they feel about our current president, Trump.

If people want to discuss politics, that's fine by me (as though I have any say in it, lol), but this is Movie (and TV) chat, not Politics Chat, and there is a board here dedicated to politics and loads of other places to discuss it, if that's what they want to talk about. Have at it!

I had no idea every president of the US had a board here, or on IMDb, because why would I? It was International MOVIE data base. Did Lincoln or Washington, or many other presidents ever appear in any movie or TV show, let alone appear in or host one? Obviously not.

Back in the days of IMDb, there was no such thing as Trending, so it was a non-issue. If you didn't want to see it, you didn't have to. But now, here, you do.


"You may not care, and that's fine. Good on you. But you must know that this presidency has to be the most contentious one ever (with perhaps Lincoln being the exception, although neither of us were around then, so who knows), with people being more polarised than ever, and therefore more unpleasant than ever. It IS off-putting to many, regardless of how they feel about our current president, Trump."

Are you kidding???? This whole thing has nearly destroyed our family! I finally have my husband and our son on speaking terms. We simply have agreed to skip talking politics.
I understand that couples have actually broken up after this particular election!

I'm talking about Presidents being here on these boards. That's all that I was talking about. People seem to find it strange that Donald Trump should be on a movie site! I'm saying, Why not???? He was on a reality show. He has made dozens of cameos in motion pictures!
Why is it so hard to understand why a POTUS has his own board?

I'm assuming that this is what this conversation was all about.... It started out that way.... Am I wrong? Let me know if I am.
I'm only pointing out the fact that Trump isn't the only POTUS here on this site.
I'm not here to get into another political argument. I certainly do not want to get into one of these with someone I hardly know!
Unlike the people on that Trump board, I have no wish to argue over who is right and who is wrong. Not with you..... certainly not with the ones I really love.


I'm so sorry it's nearly destroyed your family :(. It's AWFUL how contentious this election/presidency has divided people. It was bad enough before this, but now, ugh!

The only solution I can see is people agreeing to disagree. Better if people could look for and find common ground, but that doesn't seem to be happening, and unfortunately seems unlikely to happen.

Why on earth do you think I'm disagreeing with you, or that I'm angry? I AGREED with you and was surprised that former presidents of the US, who were presidents long before movies or TV were even a reality, had boards on IMDb, and therefore here. Why would you consider this me being angry or anything like it?

I dislike people being so childish and contentious -- on BOTH sides of the equation! Regardless of sides, regardless of partisanship. I don't know how or why you'd construing my posts to be anything other than that.


What did I do to suddenly get you angry? I'm not trying to upset you. I have always found you to be level headed. I admire you for your strength this past year that I have been acquainted with you.
Suddenly, I get the feeling that you and I are on the wrong page.... perhaps we aren't reading each other.... right????
Tell ya what! I'll just go away for a while....


I feel your pain, Catbookss; but, when you encounter a moronic legacy IMDb post or topic, my advice is to GIVE ‘EM HELL! I don’t care how old it is. Stupidity demands righteous vengeance! I don’t care if the poster to whom I am replying is dead. His/her thoughts live on, and may be misinfluencing others. No topic header containing the word “Ever” or the phrase “Of All Time” is worthwhile. It’s the product of a peasant! Have at! Have fun! Slam stupudity! If we do not, stupudity wins, and our species loses.


I appreciate your sharing of my pain, R_K, but I'm after peace and tranquility, and vengeance is heading down the opposite road to find it. No one who'd post such a thread would pay any nevermind anyway, seeing as it comes from those who feel they're attention-deprived, or just blatantly stupid. Anyone who'd read such a post and give it weight is beyond reasoning with. So, a waste of time and energy, no matter how you look at it.


I confess that I haven't done a whole lot of posting on the movie/TV show boards. But I think that's largely due to the fact that most of the stuff I watch is stuff that's been on my Netflix DVD rental queue for years, and a lot of it is older stuff. I do post on the boards for those things sometimes, but few other people do. Meanwhile most of the more active boards on this site are for new movies and ongoing TV shows. The only ongoing show I watch is Game of Thrones, which (to my immense chagrin) isn't airing a season this year. I was fairly active on the Game of Thrones board last year when the previous season was airing. Still, I like to think that even by making occasional posts on the less-active boards of older movies and shows, I'm contributing to the site a little.


Hey! I get Netflix!
Glad to meet you. What older shows do you watch? Perhaps we have something we both like in common. I love older shows!
I'm not trying to dictate where people post. I'm just reminding the ones who are constantly here on this board to spread their wings and check try posting on the individual boards. The more we do, the more people may visit if they see these shows/movies/actors in the trending bar.
Again, it's great to meet you.


I like a number of classic movies as well as kind of obscure international movies. I've noticed that few other posters seem to have seen the movies I list every week (or almost every week) on Stonekeeper's threads.

For older series, one that I really love is The Twilight Zone. But I haven't been to the board for that show yet because I haven't finished it and I'd like to avoid spoilers for episodes I haven't seen. I should resume watching that soon.

Oh, I forgot, I also was watching Supernatural for a few months, and I got up to the later seasons, though I'm not completely caught up with where the show is at now. So I haven't been to that board either. I got a bit burned out on it because the quality was dipping in the later seasons and I got tired of how many of the characters kept dying and coming back to life, which started to make it feel like nothing was at stake anymore. But I'll probably resume that pretty soon as well.

I'm currently watching a few series, most of which aren't old. One is a Japanese animated series from the 1980s/90s called "Legend of the Galactic Heroes". I'm really enjoying that one. It's based on a series of novels and I'm gonna get those and read them. I just finished watching the documentary series "World War II in Color", from 2009, which was a mixed bag, not the best WWII series I've seen. And I'm now watching a 2017 Spanish series called "La Casa de Papel" (literally "House of Paper", though the English title is "Money Heist", which I think is stupid). And finally the original 1990 UK version of "House of Cards", which incidentally I think is much better than the US version, which started out great but soon became ridiculous, and I dumped it after season 3.

I know you aren't trying to dictate anything lol, we're all just having a conversation. It's all good. I agree with you in any case.


"For older series, one that I really love is The Twilight Zone. But I haven't been to the board for that show yet because I haven't finished it and I'd like to avoid spoilers for episodes I haven't seen. I should resume watching that soon."

We could have used you there today. four of us all talked for a while.
I envy you and anyone who comes to that show never having seen it before. I look forward to discussing episodes with you!

The other shows.... I'm afraid I haven't checked them out. I like the Ken Burns documentaries like The Civil War, The Roosevelts, Prohibition...

there's so much on Netflix. i like the docs on the Beatles and George Harrison. There are so many great things to check out.

My favorite sitcoms on Netflix are Frasier, Rules of Engagement, Cheers.
I'm big on horror too. i'm all over the place.
as for House of Cards, I only saw half of the US version before they pulled it. I have never seen the UK version. Now I want to!!!!

So glad we met. See you around!


At IMDB there was a favorites list where I had 10-20 boards to check. Hey!, that would be a nice feature to implement here.


There are many nice features that could be implemented here. Your's sounds like another great idea.
Glad to meet you! Hope to see you around more! Do you like it here on this site?


I would like it more with proper avatars and subscribable boards/topics.
