MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > ❤️️MODS? Who is legnadibrom????

❤️️MODS? Who is legnadibrom????

What is his problem with posters? He/she seems to have a problem with me. There seems to be hostility where EVER this person posts. I never noticed this until this person responded to me. Never heard of this person. I checked out some posting history. Not a nice person!


The name rings a bell Margo.
Do they post on GD?


I never noticed this person until I logged in here today. I had a nasty response to something I had posted on GD. This person told me to lay off someone, and I hadn't even been my usual snarky self!
Funny thing here.... I didn't bother to report this person. I did check out the posting history. After seeing it, I figure the mods will eventually notice what sort of person this one is.
The post must have been deleted. It won't come up any longer. I tried to find it for the mods. They must have deleted it before I brought it to their attention!


Please check your private messages, Miss Margo.



I got your post/posts
I tried to bring up the post. It won't happen now. I assumed that you guys dealt with him before I brought this to your attention.
I checked out the posting history and see that this one posts on Halloween #3.
Not a nice person. Strange.


legnadibrom replied to your comment in the thread "I'm an effeminate male but also straight?" in General Discussion
It is on that thread. This person responded to something I said weeks ago.


I spells Morbid Angel backwards.


That's interesting.


Damn mcgruff the crime dog😂👍👍👍


As usual, you are a real laugh riot.
Don't do me any favors. Don't try to be so amusing. Save it for your Channel. I didn't find this one funny.


Calm down Margo...dazed is good at anagrams and such things...that was all that was to be drived from my comment👍


If you care to talk to me, talk straight English then. I can't understand what you think is humorous.
Months ago, I had assumed that you are roughly my age. If you are, you must obviously be going through a late mid life crisis. I liked your enthusiasm for Stone's video. I am even behind your endeavors. I think it's great.
What I can't get behind is your arrogance... self promotion.... The way you brag on yourself. I can't stand the conceit. Such a turn off. I liked you until a few of us praised your work.
I think the praise went to your head.
"Damn mcgruff the crime dog😂👍👍👍"
thanks for your concern...



You have mentioned your age in regards to mine several times and I have stated that I am 47. And most men my age I am contemplating the end of my run. What many men in my position, both in life and wealth, do is set out in a destructive path that typically costs them wife family and friends. I have decided to peruse a route that attempts to make people smile...and feel I am accomplishing my objective!!! Wife is my partner in crime...friends are taking part and loving it...and my family walks around on four Feet😉 WE ARE ALL GOOD here👍

I still don't think you get the mcgfuff thing😂


DF, for whatever it's worth, I for one appreciate your humour and your personality! You continue to impress me with with your skills on YouTube; you are an inspiration
, and that's not a small thing. You and I may live on each side of the Atlantic but you're the kind of guy I'd love to buy a beer anytime. Don't ever change, man.


Dude..and I'm not bull shitting...kindest words uttered to me by anyone ....that didn't have a vagina😉 but really ...THANKS👣❤👍And the beer will always be cold...we gots lots a time👍 im bout to crack a cold one...happy hour somewhere right?

I got some stuff to do...but I'll be here something I gotta take care of😉 and I put some new vids up...real goofy shit😂

See ya around my man👍


See you, buddy! 😃👍


I often do that, I watched Shutter Island once too many times!
I actually thought the name sounded like a character from Gullivers Travels.


Glad you didn't think I was calling you a dog😂👍 but are GOOD at that business! You so you cut yourself smiling😉


Brobdingnagian- that's the word from GT, it reminded me of that😁

No i take it as a compliment, ☝ here for thinking down there for dancing 💃 as they say.


It was in response to something I had posted to the guy who was worried that something was wrong wit him because he was effeminate. Suddenly this morning, I get this response from this person telling me to lay off, and I had only told the OP that he should seek professional advice because you can only expect so much on a message board. I was kind. That is why this was just so strange and out of the blue.
All I know is that there certainly has been trollish behavior lately.


The kermitkid seems to be gone. The mods are fairly effective.


After his earlier thread I put him on ignore.


Ha! Only YOU would notice that. Sharp 👁

I've been lost in the Who Said thread for daze. No idea what this is about.


^^^this^^^this was all I was saying...^^^

What up CAT!!! sorry to piggy back your post👍😉




HOW can anyone tear themselves away from That Thread?

Whatup? 👍👊


Forget it. Forget I said anything.
I must have a shitty sense of humor.


It’s a Full Moon today, Margo. Don’t take anything seriously. Your funny bone is just fine😊


The full moon's tonight? I thought it was last night. It was beautiful!



I just realised you posted this to me 😬

No, you DON'T have a shitty sense of humour! I'm out of the loop, lost in the bowels of the Who Said What thread for days. No clue who legnadibrom is 😬


I’m sorry! I meant to send that to Margo! Full Moon strikes again!


I posted that to MissMargo. No need to apologise! So is it a full moon tonight or was that last night? It looked full last night, but it's difficult to tell right before, during, and after, which is what!


Last night was the official full moon. I think the spell lasts longer, though.


🌕= 🤗😬😡😄😢

I think! Sometimes. Before, after, and during. Sometimes.


The Full Moon period lasts 96 hours: two days leading up
to the Full Moon, when internal pressure builds in us, the exact moment of the Full Moon, which was yesterday (Thursday) morning, East US coast time, and for two days after that, when we act out on the internal pressure, releasing it. Full Moons bring things to completion. For example, kermitkid, the very reason why this topic exists and who has been dancing around this kind of thing on this site for a few days, finally created a masochistic topic that asked the women of MC how they would like to humiliate him. Under the influence of the Full Moon, he showed his true colors. I complained, and the Mods deleted it, and also told him MC will not permit such topics.


Thank you for that info, R_K. Makes sense.


A misunderstanding I think Margo, DF's reply was to me 😊


I've stumbled across this arsehole on here a few times as well, I'm pretty sure it's the same person that went by the name of britneyfox or similar on IMDb. Exact same schtick and manner.


Looks like a fan of Trumperdoo too.




Please don’t paint all of us with the same brush. I’m a certified charter member of “The Basket of Deplorables” club. BTW, I thought we decided *no* politics on this GD board.🤐 As a person. I don’t like Trump...too much braggadocio. But I do like him as POTUS.


Much like you i am a Trump guy even though i find him unsavory...he could do us all a favor by cleaning up his potty mouth AND quitting that stupid twitter...

Cant argue with 3.9% unemployment though!
Thats a pretty historic number🇺🇸


I’ve said for months “Trump, please keep your mouth shut! Stop with the tweeting when something gets under your skin!” I cringe at times! He would receive a much more favorable report from news sources if he did the above. As it is all the good results he is helping to achieve is being overshadowed by his mouth!


Im really astonished that nobody in his inner circle has whispered in his ear '...shut up dumbass, quit the Twitter and behave yourself, you are acting like a High School bully'

Trump+some humility would be great...the guy is just a runaway train though:/


“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.”

In other words “Live in harmony with each other. Don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don't think you know it all!"


Nicely stated...the POTUS should read this and take it as a personal mantra

But alas...hes probably up there in a jet grabbing somebody by the something:(




Not me
