MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Don't you hate it when employers don't r...

Don't you hate it when employers don't respond at all to your job application/resume?

I'm just amazed by the lack of responsiveness on the part of employers. They placed a job ad and I responded to the ad with my resume. Why are *some* employers so rude? Surely they don't treat their customers/patients as badly as they treat job-seekers. I would rather have a rejection email ("Thanks for the resume. We'll keep you in mind", etc) than complete silence. Or am I being too entitled?


Maybe they find another one with better qualifications then yours


Which is fine but at least respond to my email and say something like "Thanks we will keep you in mind") rather than nothing at all.


I kind of agree with you. However sometimes they might get thousands of applications and they can’t reply to everyone . Usually they will say in the add they only will contact applicants they consider


I totally agree. But it seems that's just the way things are now. I have people ask me for info. I spend time putting it together and emailing it. Do they bother to say 'gee, thanks' or at least let me know they received. Noooooo. Less than 10% bother. When I ask next time I see them, they'll say 'oh yes I think I did'. And they are asking me. It's not unsolicited info.

I wish often that I had not been raised to be respectful and responsible. It would be so much easier.


online applications has made it easier for employers to hide.


I’m in the middle of a job search myself, so I can sympathize.

If you just sent in a resume, I don’t think you can expect a response. Sometimes there are hundreds of people who respond to an ad.

On the other hand, if you’ve actually been interviewed, I think you are owed a written answer. When I was responsible for hiring people, I always sent a personalized email to the candidates that I interviewed but didn’t hire.

Good luck to you.


I like that you include a personalized email to candidates that you didn't hire. I just hate anticipation and worrying whether the employer will ever respond back.


Nah, I'm fine with it. I also send many resumes to many companies. And when I got accepted on one, I also don't bother to take the time to inform the other companies that I already got a job either.


Too many applicants these days I'm afraid. It's impossible to respond to all of them


With the internet so involved now employers must get swamped with applications for in demand jobs. So unless you would prefer a soulless auto email, its just kind of the way it is. My wife is experiencing this, a lot of jobs applied for very few responses. What is worse however is she has run into a couple attempted scams over the last few months. What they think they will get out of an unemployed person is beyond me.
