MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How many of the last 20 best picture win...

How many of the last 20 best picture winners have you seen?

2018 N- The shape of water
2017 N- moonlight
2016 N- "Spotlight"
2015 N- "Birdman"
2014 N- "12 Years a Slave"
2013 N- "Argo"
2012 N- "The Artist"
2011 N- "The King's Speech"
2010 N- "The Hurt Locker"
2009 Y- "Slumdog Millionaire"
2008 Y- "No Country for Old Men"
2007 N- "The Departed"
2006 N- "Crash"
2005 N- "Million Dollar Baby"
2004 Y- "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
2003 N- "Chicago"
2002 N- "A Beautiful Mind"
2001 Y- "Gladiator"
2000 Y- "American Beauty"
1999 N- "Shakespeare in Love"
1998 Y titanic
so 6 out of 20 for me


I have NOT seen

The Shape of Water
The Artist
The King's Speech
Slumdog Millionaire
Shakespeare in Love


2018 Y- The shape of water
2017 N- Moonlight
2016 N- Spotlight
2015 Y- Birdman or ...
2014 N- 12 Years a Slave
2013 N- Argo
2012 N- The Artist
2011 Y- The King's Speech
2010 N- The Hurt Locker
2009 Y- Slumdog Millionaire
2008 Y- No Country for Old Men
2007 Y- The Departed
2006 Y- Crash
2005 Y- Million Dollar Baby
2004 Y- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2003 N- Chicago
2002 Y- A Beautiful Mind
2001 Y- Gladiator
2000 Y- American Beauty
1999 Y- Shakespeare in Love
1998 Y- Titanic

14/20 for me




well done we have the lowest scores.
Could've got it lower if gf hadnt made me watch titanic


I've seen eight of them. 12 Years a Slave, Argo, The King's Speech, The Hurt Locker, Slumdog Millionaire, No Country for Old Men, Gladiator, and Titanic.


2018- The shape of water 
2017 moonlight
2015 "Birdman"
2014 - "12 Years a Slave"
2013 - "Argo"
2009 - "Slumdog Millionaire"
2008 "No Country for Old Men"
2007 - "The Departed"
2004 "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
2003- "Chicago"
2002 "A Beautiful Mind"
2000 "American Beauty"
1999 "Shakespeare in Love"
1998 Titanic
So, 14/20. Surprised I haven't watched more of them.
