MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > De Palma or Tarantino?

De Palma or Tarantino?

Considering De Palma is Tarantino's favorite filmmaker I was wondering who you thought was better? I like two of Tarantino's movies -- "Pulp Fiction" and "Jackie Brown." I like four of De Palma's films -- "Scarface," "The Untouchables," "Mission Impossible," and "Carrie." So, for me, it's De Palma.


The one who's not obsessed with the n-word and race war.


I prefer Tarantino. Out of the 9 Tarantino films I have seen, I rate two 10/10, five 9/10, and two 8/10. Out of the 8 De Palma films I have seen, I rate four 9/10, two 8/10, and one 5/10.


The first Mission Impossible is actually the only one I like. Also a big fan of Casualties of War. Snake Eyes gets a thumbs up as a guilty pleasure.

With that said, I vote for Tarantino. I think he will go down as one of the greats.


I like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown. Scarface may be good for a laugh and Mission Impossible is okay, but other than that De Palma just doesn't do it for me. Tarantino it is.


I also think De Palma's Giallo-inspired, Hitchcock-esque exercises-- "Blow Out," "Dressed to Kill," "Raising Cain," "Body Double," and "Femme Fatale" -- are trashy fun though I wouldn't put them on par with the movies I listed.


"Scarface" is a hoot.


De Palma for me, I liked Pulp Fiction and The Hateful Eight but the rest I can take or leave.
