MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do people dislike Mommy Dearest?

Why do people dislike Mommy Dearest?

It seems like every time I hear it mentioned it's some dig or outright smear. That movie is great! Over the top? Sure. But come on, that's one of the best biopics ever. Who care if it's accurate? It's almost certainly not, but is it so entertaining. I've sworn off wire hangers ever since seeing it the first time.


Most people agree it was an unfair portrayal.


Did you know that John Waters agrees with you?

Yeah, he did the commentary for my DVD and he thinks it's an intense drama, and shouldn't be regarded as just camp.


I think I did know that, I may have even listened to that commentary. It is an intense drama. It may be an unfair depiction, but narrative films are not documentaries. One can wholly accept it's innacuracies and still enjoy it as a drama. I think if it like an alternate history film, or fantasy horror. It's awesome in my opinion.


I rewatched it recently and even though it is over the top, I quite dug it.


It's strange how it's often regarded as one of the worst films of all time, won five Razzies including worst picture, but the IMDb score is a decent 6.7.
