MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why are vaccines associated with childre...

Why are vaccines associated with children?

We are very specific about this. We demand that all children be vaccinated, as early as possible, for everything. We cry and shame each other when a parent delays giving a vaccine to a child even for a month, even when it's for a sexually transmitted disease. Get your children vaccinated!

But what about yourself? Vaccines have nothing to do with being a child. They're supposed to be for everyone. Yet no one chooses to take them on their own behalf. Adults don't get booster shots. So what happened to herd immunity? Scientists are always discovering that vaccines wear out more quickly than previously thought. Even the MMR which was thought to be lifelong, the new guidelines call for us to get booster shots every ten years for life, and some people even think it should be every four years. Then there is the yearly flu shot which despite massive publicity can't seem to break 50% compliance. And that's after new laws requiring medical staff to get them, and new recommendations for pregnant women and seniors to get them, reversing the long held old recommendations that they avoid them at all costs.

What about immigrants? If a person from Sweden comes to live in America, she will be severely under-vaccinated by our standards, yet we don't require her to become fully immunized. We don't even think about this. What good is a vaccine schedule if we don't enforce it on anyone but children?

All this focus on children is leaving the general population vulnerable to outbreaks of preventable infectious disease. They just don't understand the need to protect themselves from risk. Maybe we have a false sense of security because we think about how 95% of us were vaccinated as children. We're really good at that. We go out of our way to protect others, while being cavalier with our own bodies. We don't see the ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

Does the CDC not know what they are doing? Or do they know too well? People are stubborn.


maybe go on reddit if you want a good discussion


Too much social aspect.


Get 'em early😉


First you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.


A vaccine gave me a rare and deadly autoimmune disease


A vaccine killed my father and raped my mother.


I love how "life saving vaccines" are said to protect against all kinds of horrible things like itchy bumps for a week, or explosive diarrhea. But you destroy your immune system and inject all kinds of toxic waste to do it. Chronic autoimmune dieseases like asthma are debilitating and forever. Every child is loaded up with dozens of these things now. Rich people are given different vaccines that don't have so much crap in them.


I get a yearly flu vaccine. I also had a shingles vaccine at age 50 because I had chickenpox as a kid. I am still alive.


"The shingles vaccine, Zostavax, available since 2006, reduces the chance of shingles by only 51 percent"

"The current shingles vaccine's effectiveness begins to wane after just five years and no booster is currently licensed"

"Also be aware that the current shingles vaccine is not always well-covered by insurance. And it's pricey, $200 or more"

How did people survive before 2006? I think you got scammed by a corrupt doctor.


51% is a pretty good efficacy. My insurance company covered it.


It's 51% for only 5 years. What do you do then? And pharmaceutical corporations are notorious for cooking these numbers. Do you think Docolax really reduces constipation by 33% more than the next leading brand? I mean it doesn't even really work the way they say it does. That's why it doesn't work for everyone, like people with decent immune systems. Most people won't get shingles anyway, and if they do it's no big deal.

It's a weird case where benefits are the risk, and the risk is a certainty. You injected mercury. It will damage your body. If you happen to come into contact with shingles within 5 years, it may protect you.

What if the efficacy was only 20%? What level would it have to be for you to say it's not good enough?


I think you came to the wrong site for this discussion.


You'll see a lot of responses like, "The CDC says vaccines are safe and effective. That's good enough for me", no one willing to go off script.


Ah, now we see whose sock this is. Hello Mouse!


‘Yet no one chooses to take them on their own behalf.’

I do - flu jab every 12 months, malaria jab also every 12 months.
