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criterion channel streaming service launching april 8

for those who may have used filmstruck and are lamenting its death, or are in the market for a streaming service, please note that the criterion collection is launching its replacement service on april 8th.

and if you sign up early, you apparently qualify for a permanent discount on the monthly or annual price.

this won't apply to the user here who occasionally starts threads about how much he hates criterion & every film made after 1950, but for anyone who does enjoy the criterion collection, this sounds like a good opportunity for fairly significant savings.

and, for any canadians in the room, i checked with customer service yesterday and it appears that this service is available in canada. i haven't registered yet, but i plan to next week.


Thanks for the info damosuzuki:)
I doubt that I will sign up just now but good to know it's available


I posted this on another thread:

Check out Kanopy

This site has many Criterion selections. I get it because I work at a Library. I think it is available through public libraries for free.


i use kanopy as well. it's a great service, though it restricts the number of films you can watch in a given month. in my region, we only get 5 credits per month. i think some areas get 10, maybe even more.

but criterion will be giving us access to a much larger selection of their catalog.
at least they did when they partnered with filmstruck. i am assuming at this point they will do the same here, though they haven't actually posted what they will be offering yet, at least as far as i can see.


I may try the criterion service too. I always liked Can also. Especially Mushroom.


Thanks for posting. I'll definitely do the free trial.
