MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What should have won best picture?

What should have won best picture?

In your opinion?
I really enjoyed A Star is born. As well as Bohemina Rhapsody despite the historical inaccuracies.

I haven’t seen Green Book yet, though the general consensus seems to be it’s an unworthy winner


Haven’t seen Green Book or A Star is Born, but I would have given it to Roma.


Out of the 8 nominated films, I liked A Star is Born best.


Jaws, or Star Wars.


I have seldom agreed with Best Picture winners or even nominations so this years no biggie either way.
I've seen worse nominations..

I liked Green Book, A Star is Born and Bohemian Rhapsody...but so far those are all I've seen so I can't comment.
But the Oscars have come to have such little meaning for me as far as Best Pic.. Just being nominated helps a film about as much.


The Star is Born was to predicitable.


i think cold war was better than any of the films nominated for best picture.
green book is fine. it's a very nice movie. the kind of film that makes god sigh and say 'well wasn't that just lovely' while the devil vomits in disgust. my mom would love it.

of the films that were nominated, i liked the favourite the most.


Black Panther, of course!


I haven't seen Green Book yet. Some of the negative buzz put me off.

But I'm pleased to see a wide award spread. No one film particularly dominated, and it seems like films were awarded on merit, or at least because they were well liked, rather than for overly political or sentimental reasons.

I don't know whether Green Book is a good film, but it feels to me like it was awarded for the right reasons (i.e. because the AMPAS members liked it).
