MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Question for those of you without a priv...

Question for those of you without a private cinema

Do you think watching a film at home, no matter how good the home entertainment system, can ever replicate the experience of seeing a film on the big screen at a theater?


Yes. But there are too many variables to say for sure. Certain movies I prefer in the theater. Usually big budget, special effects laden, huge stunts, etc. The energy of the audience and the size of the screen definitely enhance the experience.

However- sometimes the theater is run down and gross or the audience is distracting. (I still remember seeing The Lion King and I was distracted the entire movie by some homeless guy who came into the theater and smelled like puke. It was disgusting). There are times I wish I had seen it at home.

Other movies- artsy, thinking, character driven films - I enjoy just as much if not more at home.


I remember when I went to see Osmosis Jones, the movie theater stunk for some reason. There was some bad smell, which I couldn't identify. But it definitely colored the experience. I would have hated Osmosis Jones anyway though. I just didn't like that movie. But the theater didn't help.

That sort of experience is very much the exception, though.


(I still remember seeing The Lion King and I was distracted the entire movie by some homeless guy who came into the theater and smelled like puke. It was disgusting).
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Did you consider changing seats away from the odor. The poor homeless guy doesn't have the awareness to know (I already feel bad for him).


He wasn’t sitting that close to me. He was sitting a few rows away and far down the aisle. Moving wouldn’t have changed anything. I felt bad for him, but the smell did ruin the movie for me.


I see what you mean.


No, never. Of course, movie theaters have their drawbacks, such as douchebags who have their cell phones on and are sitting there texting, but even with that, a movie theater is always preferable to watching something at home.


Do you think watching a film at home, no matter how good the home entertainment system, can ever replicate the experience of seeing a film on the big screen at a theater?

Yes, and whats more it can exceed it.
Home film viewing on any half decent set up is better because:
-You dont have to drive there, or bus , plus all the other issues with the travel e.g. parking
-Its a fuckload cheaper, you can buy a DVD for less than 2 cinema tickets, thats before you even get started on the food prices.
-You dont have to sit through half hour of trailers , or even worse standard adverts for shit i dont want.
You dont have a bunch of teenagers:
-- kicking the back of your seat
-- talking or eating loudly
-- rustling food packaging
-You can pause it in order to restroom , or go to fridge for beer
-you can drink beer
-you can smoke , if thats your thing
- the seats are a lot comfier
- the start time is when YOU want it.
- The choice is bigger: half a dozen films vs ALL the films. (its a lot less likely to be some Marvel superhero bullshit)
- You can adjust the volume level to your liking
- you can watch some dvd extras , or a whole other film if you want.
- you dont have to travel home.

Thats just off the top of my head, i could probly think of a few more given time.


I like that I can't pause a film. It feels more immersive if I can't just pause a film in the middle. I'm 100% fully invested, with no tablet, or phone, or housemates/family members, or bad lighting, or any other crap to distract me or ruin the picture.

And if all that's available at your local theatre is a bunch of kids kicking the back of your seat, and crappy superhero films, then you're visiting the wrong theatre.

The cinema I visit has a great selection of serious films, great food, polite and civilised audiences, and you can even purchase alcohol, if that's your bag. No smoking is allowed, of course, but who wants to smoke in this day and age?!?

And I like travelling. It gets me out of the house, especially seeing as I work a lot from home these days.


No, nothing beats the cinema experience
