MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Would you marry a dumb but attractive pe...

Would you marry a dumb but attractive person

I would not, beauty fades, dumb is forever.


I don't care is someone is dumb if she is a nice person.


If you were a woman would you marry Forrest Gump, he is a nice person albeit dumb.


Yeah, if i found him attractive enough, intelligence isn't a factor for me if i like the rest.


yes i would, being dumb doesn't mean being a bad person
i don't consider myself smart anyway and i definitely don't judge anyone who seems to be less smart than the majority


Would you not consider it to be a personal failing for a person to be wilfully ignorant and stupid on account of their unwillingness to educate themselves and learn?


I have quite a few friends you might consider uneducated, and it’s not because they are unwilling to learn. Education is a privilege that not everyone has. Many of my friends spent their time figuring out how to survive and put food on the table. I have better and deeper conversations with those whose education has been real life survival than my friends who you may consider educated, but have 0 life experience, know what I mean?


Those people don't sound 'dumb' to me.

By the way, there is a lot more to 'education' than academics.

And in the modern Western world, practically everyone is capable of educating themselves to a minimum level. Some people choose not to. Those people aren't defined by their socioeconomic status; they're defined by their laziness (look at Trump and his spoiled, know-nothing progeny for an example of what I mean).


No, I totally agree with that. Everyone is capable for sure, I’m just saying some people have more important things to deal with.


And like I said, those people aren't 'dumb'. They sound like survivors to me, with their priorities sorted out.

When I think of 'dumb' I think of people like Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, the Trumps, and certain other celebs. People with the means and the time to educate themselves and do something productive for the rest of society, but, for whatever reason (usual intellectual laziness), choose not to.


Agree 100%. But ya know, they’re busy getting plastic surgery and worrying about their Twitter popularity or whatever.😉


And that's their choice, and I don't begrudge them for it (well, except in Trump's case, because he is actually in a position that should require him to read and educate himself), but I'm not going to admire them either. And I'm not going to feel too guilty about laughing at them (admittedly it's cruel, but at least it's not punching down or targeting people who cannot help their situation, including the type of people you described or someone who was born with a genuine form of mental retardation).


Oh I begrudge the fuck out of them. The only people I begrudge more are the empty souls that admire these type people.


Well, they're not really harming my life, and they're fun to laugh at.

I'd prefer to see and hear about people acting like pampered jackasses than have more people dying from hunger, war and child abuse etcetera.


i agree


well, when i first see someone not very smart he won't immediately strike me as someone who is happy with his ignorance and is unwilling to learn, maybe he tried but failed and there is no shame in that, not everyone has a brain wired the same way as einstein, everyone has a gift but it doesn't have to be an intellectual mind.
also education as in knowing stuff doesn't always mean a person is smart, you can always memorize things while having no idea what they mean


Most stupid people tend, in my experience, to be blissfully ignorant.

Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger Curve? It demonstrates that the people with the highest confidence in their own ability tend to be those with the least actual competence.


i agree


Given the choice, no.

Dumb but attractive people can be sexy, but I personally prefer to have a cerebral partner who I can have deep conversations with.


dumb people are dangerous


Have you seen the film Batman Returns, halomaniac88?

When I think of a 'dumb but physically attractive person' the Ice Princess comes to mind:



I love my low-IQ pets, but intelligent conversation is a must with humans.


Of course. Our society values beauty above intelligence. You can get paid millions in Hollywood instead of a hundred thousand in an office. We all want this easier life for our children.


Our society values beauty above intelligence.
Which is just as well for the Republican Party...


all the woman I have known were and are smarter than me.


No way!

Well, I bet they weren't as likeable and agreeable as you though.


women are taking over my field of work


What is your field of work?




Beauty gets boring very quickly, believe me. Its the bottom of the list for someone to marry.


Fair enough. If you don't want the beauties, send them my way. :)
