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I don't understand the transgender argument that some people give.

First, I must say, I am not one of these anti-transgender people. I believe they deserve the same rights as everyone else and it bothers me when people ridicule them. I would never change seats if one sat beside me and I would never not hire one because they are.

Here's what I don't understand: the argument that if a man transitions to a woman, they are now 100% woman. Also, vice-versa.

To me, I look at transgender people like they have a mental illness. If someone claimed to see people who weren't there, it's a mental illness. Anorexia is a mental illness. Self harm is a mental illness. Depression is a mental illness. Doctors themselves say that it's gender dysphoria but somehow saying that being transgender is a mental illness and not believing they are 100% the sex that they transition to, is considered offensive. Does a woman who gets breast implants have real breasts? No. When we say fake breasts we know what it means. If someone loses a limb and gets a prosthetic replacement, it's a fake body part. If I go around believing I am a baby, and I start acting like one, there isn't a single person out there who would think that it's normal behaviour to be that way even though I once was a baby. It's reasons like this why I don't think it's right to ridicule someone with gender dysphoria because it's a mental illness like all the others.

What is the problem with saying someone is a transgender man or woman? Why do we as a society believe (or lead to believe) that once you change your gender, you are now that gender to an absolute?


I don't know what to think. I just remember Bruce Jenner as the world's best athlete in 1976 and now he is trying to pass himself off as a chick.


I only know him now as Bruce Gender.


Sadly, you find a lot is caused by abuse as a child, and that there was no help or therapy for that child and so they child grows up with mental problems which result in hating themselves to the extent they want to be the opposite of what they are, in the hope that they can run away far enough from their problems.

Now we are seeing sex education at far too young an age being forced onto children, which is going to lead to a whole shitshow of problems in the future, due to children thinking it is ok to have sex with adults or other children because they were taught about it and got curious.

Who is protecting children from abusers now in this scenario?


What bothers me is that they are trying to force society to accept them, without any complaint, and force the scientific community to believe that gender is determined by feelings, rather than physical genitalia and DNA. They make up less than 1% of any population, and yet demand that the other 99% now accept them because of their "revolution" and the new clout they can wield using the law.

Frankly, I don't care how they live their lives or how they view themselves, but don't try making me change how I feel about it using force. I don't like it, I don't like being told that I am now wrong (after spending most of my life knowing the truth about biological gender and what niche of society the trans people fit into), and a monster for listening to reason, and I DON'T appreciate being told that I have no place in THEIR world now that they've become popular commodities with the elite. I don't buy it for a minute. I also don't like them putting normal women in danger because men in dresses are now invading bathrooms and locker rooms, and making the girls feel unsafe. This is not progressiveness, it's a change that our society does not need at all, and we will not be made better because of it. It will only cause problems, and already has.

I'm especially pissed that now they are visiting their views on our young and impressionable children, confusing them and causing an entire generation of [mostly normal] kids to grow up confused and not knowing who they really are anymore. I can see they are trying to help future transgender people find themselves before they reach adulthood, but it's not fair to subject the entire regular population of kids to this madness. It will do a lot of emotional damage years down the line, and it was all artificially brought in by a group of people that had to make up laws to force normal people not to dislike or avoid them.


Teaching kids about transgenderism just baffles me. When we were kids we all thought we were going to be a super hero, a princess, a millionaire and so on, because we didn't know any better. I can only imagine being seven years old and the teacher cracks open a "Trans: A Simple Guide to Becoming the Other Sex" book. Chapter four would consist of the surgical procedure to remove man's penis. They should just teach the kids acceptance and that's it.


You sound like a fine church-goin’, god-fearin’ lady. Represent!


AmeriGirl, probably the best post I've read today!


Right??! Burn em at the stake!!
