Why is it....

... that when we put people on our Ignore Lists, they can still see what we write? Shouldn't they not be able to see what we write any more than we can see them? What's up with that? And why is the site informing us that someone is responding to a thread, but includes blocked people? Are they even aware they've been blocked?


Well AmeriGirl26, I’m going to explain it to you but I’m pretty sure you have me on ignore so I’m afraid your inquiry will remain unanswered. You see, it is your choice to ignore whomever you choose. This doesn’t mean that the other person chooses to ignore you. We all have free will and you can’t make decisions for other people, only for yourself.
My guess is you only want to hear from people who think like you and agree with you. I personally do not feel the same. Even though I literally disagree with everything you say, I feel that I would learn nothing if I only dealt with people that thought exactly like me. In fact, the definition of discussion is the process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or exchange ideas. Im not saying you’re wrong and I’m right, we simply have a different way of viewing things.


You are the one ignoring them. So you won't see their posts. But if those people don't ignore you, they can see yours all right. It's only logical.

About the site informing you about blocked people responding, it may be just a flaw in the site's programming. It doesn't make any sense to inform you that a poster you ignored responds to your post. That's a bug.


Agreed on both points. The other problem with the ignore function here is that it also blocks you from viewing any posts made in reply to those of someone on your ignore list.


Yeah... programming is hard.




Tell that to Jim, not me.



I was just memeing.
