MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do marginalized groups support censo...

Why do marginalized groups support censorship?

Isn't free speech their only protection? Yet groups like homosexuals and feminists are some of the strongest supporters of hate speech laws. They claim they are victims of heteronormative patriarchy. So where do they get off taking for granted without the slightest hesitation that more institutional power will serve their own interests rather than the interests of their enemies? It seems contradictory. Fundamentally, the people who really need protection wouldn't have the power to get it, and the people who do have the power to get it wouldn't really need it. Doesn't government have a record of helping big business crush small business? Restrictions on government, limited government, this was the last great political insight, and we're losing sight of it.

But I see the appeal. Empirically, the homosexuals and feminists are right. Institutional power has been their champion. The biggest governments and the biggest corporations will sanction entire countries on their behalf. Free speech has been their enemy. Free speech seems to be far more persuasive for the other side. Censorship is always one way, in their favor and not against. So what's going on here? Where's this oppression, this heteronormative patriarchy?

I think censorship is just a shared interest, between these groups and the power elite. Their silly grievances like being called by the wrong pronouns are just convenient excuses for the powerful to exert their will against the powerless. Big business surly had their own reasons for wanting women in the workforce, etc... Think about how easy it is to cast opposition to war as antisemitic for example. If AIPAC and the other Jewish groups want to send Americans to death over Iraq or Syria or whatever god-forsaken place you've never even heard of, it's very hard to say no, because now you can be silenced so easily. That's great for Jews, but how does it help the social justice people who just wanted religious harmony?

The power elite know what they are doing. The others are just useful idiots. We have to wake up and realize that, metaphorically speaking, if being against war means being against semites, then you had darn well be the biggest antisemite this world has ever seen. We ought to be embracing hate speech on principle, purely as a means to bring ourselves into conflict with the ruling class. To heck with censorship.


In answer to your topic question: Because they rely on the manipulation of language as a key mechanism for bringing about the societal changes that they seek. I will not call a biological woman a man or a transman or vice versa; doing so yields ground that cannot be abandoned without also partially surrendering a much larger and more important argument.
