MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever been fired from a job?

Have you ever been fired from a job?

If so, how did you take it? Was it difficult for you to find the next job when they ask for past reference?


Not really. I was asked to leave some freelance jobs, that's it. But I have also resigned several times from other jobs.


Your username sounds familiar. Did you post in the original IMDb boards? In the soapbox??


Yes I have.


Yes, of course.


What do you mean by "of course"? Was this the first time? Were you hurt? Was it easy to move on?


I think everyone has, at some point.

You just find a new job.


Oh, yah, and I made a scene, calling my stupidvisor an asshole. Fortunately I had given my notice first, and leaned the wonderful resume phrase "voluntarly quit"

No, I have never been fired first.


i was pushed out of my job about 3.5 years ago. almost made it to 20 years with the company.

i wasn't technically fired. they eliminated my position & gave me a severance package. but i'm sure if my boss felt he could have fired me with no danger of a lawsuit, he would have. we got on terribly, & absolutely hated each other, & had some very bad conflicts. so consider it a firing in all but name only.

at first, it was great. i was happy to be out of there. but after a spell, it did bother me. even though i'd received a package, i still had all sorts of anger over the way i was treated, & the way i was dealt with. after 20 years, you feel you deserve better. & i worked very hard, & mostly did a fine job i'd say.

i actually wasn't going to bother looking for a job. i had decided to more or less retire, maybe temp a little bit every now and then to pick up a bit of spare cash. but i started volunteering regularly for a homeless shelter, & they made an employment offer to me, & it was everything i could have asked for - flex hours, simple duties, no real stress, enough money to pay my bills.

so it worked out perfectly. i'm not making 1/4 of what i used to, but that's fine. i don't really give a fuck about money, & there's minimal conflict, the people i work with are all great, & the job is a nice mix of pleasant routine & some new challenges.


No, never
I'm sort of a pain in the ass but I'm a top shelf worker👍


Yes, once. I was p!ssed off about it, but then so was everyone else so I didn't feel too bad. Don't remember the details, but I don't recall it being a problem getting my next job.
