MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > In movies: why do people who wake up

In movies: why do people who wake up

Immediately wrap the sheet/blanket around themselves when they wake up?

Who even does this? You have just slept with the other individual in your bed so what's with the modesty/shy act?

Is there anyone who does this in real life?


What gets me is that virtually every scene of someone waking up it is with a start, as if they were having a bad dream. I remember a scene from The Sopranos where Paulie Gualtieri wakes up by just opening his eyes. That's it. It was notable to me seeing some wake up the way we almost always do.


Yeah that always stood out to me. Or the tendency to have 2 people who didn't intend to sleep together, wake up at the same time in the morning and pull off that aghast expression. They never tend to wake up in the middle of the night and notice that they are in someone else's apartment or somewhere they didnt plan on sleeping.


Also hair is already combed and make up applied.


Eye liner is there as well. No debris in the eye. It's laughable.

Then they wake up, don't bother brushing their teeth and don't feel the need to use the bathroom. Put on their jeans and they're ready to go for the day.


theres another thread today saying "why are we seeing actors on the toilet so much these days?"


Really? Movie characters do those sorts of gestures simply because they're not acting in a porn movie. A good director will always make sure the actors remain in character. If the script doesn't call for them to appear to be exhibitionistic, he'll tell them to stay covered when getting out of bed.

It's called staging.

Also, their hair is combed and the makeup intact because every tiny detail tells the audience something about the character. Also, because actors have egos.

Using the bathroom and brushing their teeth are sometimes (often) superfluous to the timeline of the story.


I've noticed it sometimes. One thing that bothers me is when they wake up and walk someone, they're walking around like they've been up for hours. Our bodies cramp up in the morning. Have a good stretch, stay in there for a few seconds and when they get out of bed, limp for a few steps.


Man, the worst for me is when they wake up and immediately start kissing without brushing their teeth. Gross, morning breath!


Yes that one always grosses me out


Then they drag the bedding off the bed and wrap themselves in it when they walk around. No one does that.


I want to know why, when a character has an intense nightmare, they do the "bed catapult" action? I've woken up from several nightmares and never sprang up in bed, gasping for air.

Granted, I'm laying there, breathing heavily and my heart racing with fear for a few minutes until I calm down and realize it was a dream, but still.....
