
Do you have any hobbies?
My partner and I go fishing, collecting rocks in the desert and seashells at the beach.
When I was a kid I used to collect stamps in a stamp album. I don't know what ever happened to that album.


Playing guitar.


Walking and asking random people for financial aid in this dire country.
Reading and watching movies...


The most obvious one is watching movies/anime/kdrama.
Something that's not so obvious unless you're one of the lucky few to enter my room is collecting custom deco. Usually do it online (https://www.printcious.com/sg) since it's much cheaper and don't have to deal with anyone in person.


I like to make my own audiobooks using the computer program Audacity.


I'm a birdwatcher and nature photographer.

FYI birding is a great hobby! If you share your results it's a little contribution to science, and a little birding can mean anything from adding interest to a day lying around the back yard, or picking your eyes up off the trail during a day hike, to adventurously birding the high Andes or other exotic locales. And yes, I have birded the high Andes, and birdwatched my way across the Great Southern Ocean to Antarctica. It was AWESOME.


My parents were bird watchers. I didn't appreciate it until I became an adult. This will sound simple, but we always hung a hummingbird feeder wherever we went on summer vacation.


Do shopping and reading books.
