MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is the politics board in 2 places?

Why is the politics board in 2 places?

Under General and Other? It's the only board from Other that's stickied underneath General Discussion.


According to Jim, it's more complicated to remove only the Politics link from the Other General Boards section; hence the duplication. It was a quick fix to make Politics more visible since it's a popular topic.


It's not working to contain the politics.

edit; I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.


I think its better to put politics in its own area. General Discussion is for people who mostly want to have fun, not discuss things that really are never going to change.


Yeah but why is it front and center on a movie board? Why isn't something relevant to movie or TV discussion there?


Oh because they still haven't renamed this board.. Its obviously not just a movie board. I guess they started with Movie chat so we're stuck with it . Its fine but Obviously its 50% other. Maybe they want to fly under the radar as not to attract trolls.


It's the reason I finally joined after lurking a while. The Politics people like to get rather zealous about things, I generally just prefer to chat or if I am going to chat a little politics at least do so with people who aren't going to be zealots about it.


Politics is a waste land.. There are no answers.. In America we are on the titanic. You know what it takes to turn that ship.
It just keeps going..Trump..Nixon...Regan..What ever.
