MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is your preferred method of executi...

What is your preferred method of execution ?

In Australia it used to be by hanging but they banned executions back in the 1960's which was one of a number of bad mistakes they made back then. I kind of like the old medieval " Off with their heads ! " for it's dramatic appeal. And also because it's quick, cheap and probably relatively painless, unless the axe man makes a mess of it of course...


Give the victim's family the option of doing it themselves. Otherwise, firing squad.


Executions rooted in physical punishment focus on inflicting bodily harm, prolonged pain, and humiliation, especially when done publicly.

Even the methods causing fatality without pain - guillotine, exposure to an inert gas or barbiturates are at risk of being overused due to how quickly and easily they can be carried out if there are no checks and balances in the court of law.

Years ago I was all for the death penalty but no more. How we feel about it, it's better if we come to our own conclusions, so I respect where you're coming from.

If you're interested and have a few minutes to spare, there is an in-depth piece on MovieChat I've written and researched available in the link provided giving a brief history of several of the execution methods and the differences between the contraptions. I was trying to be informative yet tongue in cheek at the same time.



Have your pick, because none of them would be brutal enough to compensate for what a child rapist, murderer did to his victim(s). Some victims were flayed while still alive or dismembered.


I like George Carlin's idea of loading people into catapults and launching them directly into a brick wall.
