Whoa Nelly !!!

Nelly Korda leads the Swinging Skirts golf tournament in Taiwan after round three.


With Minjee Lee in not quite as hot a pursuit. The last round should be a doozy !


Thanks. Can't get enough of that thrilling ladies' golf action.


Are you being sarcastic...? If so give me the women's golf over the men's any day of the week. They don't hit the ball as hard but they hit it long and straight. They also don't take themselves or the game as seriously as the men do and they even have a laugh and smile while they are about it. The main difference is that the course isn't swamped by a bunch of idiot spectators being revved up by the equally stupid men players because hey that's showbiz !


That's quite a promotional for LPGA golf, I'll have to start watching some.

I'm still technically a newlywed so I limit watching the PGA to the four major tournaments but I too have gotten weary with what I perceive to be a lack of respect by the spectators. Reading in the November issue of Golf Magazine I came across a short article where Chez Reavie mentioned seeing, "some fistfights, some drunken people throwing up on themselves." At a PGA tournament?? Appalling.


Well in the interests of full disclosure the last round descended into farce as both Nelly and Minjee dropped shots left, right and centre. The contest finished in a three way playoff that Nelly won on the first hole. I hate it when that happens.

As far as bad conduct on the course goes they should ban alcohol and that would take care of most of it. Golf used to be known as a gentleman's game and there were standards of dress, personal appearance and behaviour. But all of that has gone out of the window. Clean shaven men are the exception rather than the rule, scowls are more common than smiles and the players dress like weekend hackers on a public golf course. No doubt they are more comfortable but the game is diminished.


I agree. Standards have slipped in the name of generated income.


I hate golf.


Have you ever played the game ?


I did try it 30 years ago. I stuck with hockey.


Yes it's a very difficult game to play well, even if you have a natural aptitude for it.


More of a skill than a sport. I know guys who have played for years and never seem to improve.
