MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you only had one choice.....

If you only had one choice.....

Would you want to see the future or know what's out in the universe?


Neither. The future has not been written yet. The second part can create a Men in Black situation where knowing about anyting can have some unintended consequences. Instead of worrying about something we cannot control, let's focus on what's happening now.

This isn't to knock your post. I am just as curious as you are and would love to know what you think.



Well some think the past, present, and future coexist, so perhaps it has already been written, but that's getting much deeper than I intended with my question.

My choice would be to know what's out there and since I'm not in a position to do anything about it, I don't see what unintended consequences could possibly occur.


There's the idea that if we were to somehow make first contact with a completely different life form other than us, it would be a catalyst to unite humanity. This would be most possible if such relations are to turn violent, likely due to competition for resources, seen as a potential threat, or either of us has expansionist motives on each other.

Not meaning to say we should only stick to our own corner of space, but realize that the first and foremost goal of any bureaucracy is to protect said bureaucracy. If we don't resolve problems at home before traveling, then those problems are going to follow us. The hardest part of maintaining peace is getting everyone to truly trust each other. Trust is the foundation that built civilization, bringing individuals together to work in common cause.



You always have one person reacting like that. It's not actually happening is it? So just answer the question.

I want to know what's out there in the universe, we can't be the only one.


A curious mind is an innovative one. We'll need to have a carefully laid-out plan to limit brash decision-making once we have the long range warp speed capabilities of deep space travel. We'll need to be up to the challenge, practice to keep our senses sharp or else we'll get sloppy and make a bunch of mistakes. There can be no room to have everything easy; relaxation and other amenities included though, because they improve productivity. Comfort is the enemy - unless you're in the Air Force! In that case, you get as many accommodations as possible to make the cockpit cozy enough to endure gravity.



the future has been written, everything that will happen has already happened.


Time is a flat circle.


I'd like to know what's out there.


Meet our neighbors for sure


I'd like to know what's out there..
Don't worry, I won't tell..


its sucks but every decision we make is pretty much predetermined. Call it fate or whatever, you cant change it.


I want to know what's out there in the universe. As a kid I would stare at the stars on a clear night and wonder what was out there. Now as an adult I still do that.


the future


The past is gone, the future isn't here yet, only the present and it indeed is a Present. However I wouldn't mind seeing the future.
