MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone here visited much of Europe?

Anyone here visited much of Europe?

I went last summer and it was the trip of a lifetime.

Saw London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Venice, Berlin, Amsterdam, Lucerne, Zurich, Bern, Roenne, Canterbury, Hamelin and Amiens.

Each place was more beautiful than the last. I’d like to go again next summer, what are some other cities I must see?


My father is a retired Army warrant officer and we spent three years stationed in Belgium. With thirty days leave every year we saw all the sights of western Europe. The depth of culture and history is just astounding! To everyone who has never been - don't think about it, DO it!


Spend more time in the English Isles. And Greece.


What English Isles?


Isle of Mann. Isle of Skye. Isle of Wight... Ireland...


Oh I thought those were Scottish. Isle of Sky is the one in Prometheus, right? Looks pretty sweet.


Well if you look Scotland is basically just the northern half of England. My apologies to all those overly concerned with dividing a people.


Take it easy there Longshanks, it is geographically still Scotland.


Yeah yeah ;)


I wish I had the money to go. I think I would first go to London, Paris, and Rome.


The Colosseum was awesome. Made primarily of concrete. Tho a concrete much different than we're familiar with. And the Bastille! Fantastic!


There is one thing that I would want to see more than anything and that's the pyramids in Egypt. I still don't know how they built that.


Never made it to Egypt. Any theories about the building of the pyramids, the great pyramid, is pure speculation. They are older even than people originally thought. And yet, apparently, younger than the sphinx!


Been to all 3 twice. Plan to return.


italy and malta


I come from the UK yet, sadly, have barely scratched the surface of Europe. I've visited France, Spain and Ireland and - briefly - Germany, Switzerland and Italy. That's all.

I now live in Singapore and have seen a lot more of Asia than of my own home continent.


Wow we are truly a diverse bunch. Viva la internet!


No...😒 I haven’t been anywhere...not even my own country sad to say.


I've always wanted to go to Europe but as I've gotten older it's harder to travel. I wouldn't expect most places in Europe to be disability accessible.

If I could, I'd like to see England, Malta, Sicily, Greece, for starters.


Nice trip!

I loved these Scandinavian cities - Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Bergen and Uppsala. Other places that are knock your socks off gorgeous: Budapest, Prague, Aix en Provence, Vienna, Salzburg, Barcelona.

I’ve been told Eastern Europe has many interesting cities that have a mix of old world Europe and Soviet era influences. Places like Vilnius and Riga. Supposed to be much cheaper there for tourists too.
