MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > B.C. mall fires 'fun-loving' Santa over...

B.C. mall fires 'fun-loving' Santa over cheeky Facebook pictures 🎅🎅🎅 😊 😊

poor santa


Typical overreaction. He should sue.


Well, there's crazy of this kind:


I guess there's no real crime in Montreal


That's crazy too! Assholes!



most of the time i'm quite happy to be canadian, & think it's a fine place to live. certainly we have it pretty good, & are on the list of the better places to live all things considered.

but when i see stuff like this, my libertarian rage becomes almost uncontrollable.

that woman is a hero! good for her for sticking it to the man and fighting this all the way to the supreme court. i'm up for starting a gofundme campaign to put up a statue of her in that metro station.


Of course you'd rage as a libertarian. Libertarians have a hard time understanding the concept that personal freedom doesn't mean the right to do what you want without consequences.


i'm very comfortable holding positions consistent with the belief that governments shouldn't harass & fine people for not holding escalator guardrails.


A bunch of PC Snowflake Assholes trying, as usual, to take the fun out of EVERYTHING! Santa should sue the bastards!



All businesses want a certain image, some paying advertisers millions. The malls child-friendly, family-orientated, wholesome image is not conveyed by naughty Santa's hijinks.

Favorite quotes on his FB account while posing in Santa outfit:
"get the f*** off my bus" Gary Haupt
"holy f***" Gary Haupt
"well, now we're f***ed" Gary Haupt

As an adult, I find him funny. But his job is to appeal to very young children. That's why there's a problem.

BTW, drunken Santa in a unkempt outfit was fired within the first minutes of the "Miracle on 34th Street" movie.


I didn't read the article, but it sounds like he was a very bad Santa.



And this is why I don't have FB, Instagram, Snapchat etc.


same here


100% correct Andy
Who really gives a damn to see a pic of someone's meal or their selfie leaning out over the Grand Canyon?


Same here also.


Let's make perfectly clear what happened.

A guy made a living as a Santa Claus Santa at a mall. He then plastered pictures of himself in his Santa Claus outfit on social media, play acting as the character drinking out of a flask, grabbing a woman's boobs and getting spanked by her. The mall justifiably fired him, since he's recognizable by shoppers and is showing a flagrant disregard for the job. This situation would be no different if a Disneyland employee uploaded photos of herself in her Belle costume pretending to be doing meth or giving someone a BJ.

As usual, the people who are shrieking with rage over his morons who don't understand the concept that as an employee, there are certain codes of conduct that you can't violate. One of them is tarnishing the company's image or showing a disregard for their job. That's what this guy did, so the mall fired him to give it to a person far more deserving.


I guess an employer has the right to fire a person for what they do on social media. It's a new world.


Yes, that's right. An employee has the right to fire a person for what they do on social media if that person acts in a way that shows a disregard for their job, displays poor personality traits (such as lack of judgment) and has the potential of harming the business in some way through negative PR.

This isn't a new world. It's just the Real World. It's the same Real World that had Vanessa Williams losing her Miss America crown days after an old photo shoot from Penthouse resurfaced, the same Real World that canceled Paul Reubens' TV show (Pee Wee's Playhouse) when he got caught exposing himself at a porn theater.
