MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Kid Rock is being called racist... for n...

Kid Rock is being called racist... for not saying anything racist.

I hate when people get me defending people I hate. Nothing he said in this drunken rant was racist. Sexist more than anything.


Leftard Snowflakes are very easily triggered!



What's the point here? Somebody being called racist for not saying anything racist is no news. The news would be that somebody was called racist and... actually said something racist.

This is more like.... routine. XD


"Racist" is just what the Left call all White people now. Doesn't matter if the white person is married to a non white or the Grand Wizard of the KKK.

It's just easier for the Left that way to generalize and vilify.


Don't you know that an all white cast in a film is racist but an all black cast in a film is diverse?


Yep, I have noticed the same in society in general. A workplace like say a Real Estate Agents where the whole team are Chinese is ok but if they were all white, look out!


I couldn't care less what the Left has to say on anything. I live my life the exact opposite of their opinions.
