Pain Meds

So a short time ago I mentioned that I deal with some pain and that my medication is fairly important to me. A couple of my friends here (I know - it's amazing, right?) expressed their concern and I appreciate that so thought I would explain:

3 concussions - 2 required stiches and 1 put me in the hospital for 2 days.
3 broken noses - that I set myself (actually I did a good job)
1 ruptured ear drum - I can still hear with it, sort of
5 broken teeth - 2 repaired, 2 pulled, 1 still broken
2 neck injuries - not sure what I did but there's no curve in it now
2 torn rotator cuffs - still waiting for surgery
3 chipped elbows - see above
5 broken wrists - see above
2 boxer's fractures - the doc was disgusted, told me "learn how to throw a punch"
6 broken knuckles - see above
Cracked sternum
2 cracked ribs, 4 severely bruised - yeah everyone says the last 3 don't count but I'm 55 now. I feel it!
Degenerative disc disease
1 ruptured disc BETWEEN
2 herniated discs - all at the base my spine with maybe 150lbs sitting on them (it sucks)
2 bone spurs - somewhere near my spinal cord. Every once in a while they make themselves KNOWN.
Partial tears in both knees - high school football
1 broken ankle - 3 pins, 6 screws
3 broken toes - a marble and wrought iron coffee table that didn't budge a fucking millimeter!

Seems like I missed something...

Yeah I've been kinda rough on my body and I do like to be pain free. If it's any consolation, I detox at least once a month just to prove that I can.
Three days of pure misery.

So... comments?


I've talked with a couple of my MC friends in the last month or two about this very subject and after learning something of their condition I must say that courage and bravery is a positive result of living with the challenges that life has given them. The fact that they remain so upbeat in spite the physical and mental trials that are a constant in their lives has earned my admiration and I strive to match the shining example they've presented.

Cheers, my friends! The world can learn from the positive way you have inspired me. Thank you so much 😉


Attitude is everything :-D


I am not a physicist so I wouldn't be the appropriate one to comment on hwo thwy wordk.
