MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Spot the truth...

Spot the truth...

Two lies and one truth..

1. I work for the IRS
2. Christmas is my favorite holiday
3. My cats are my best friends



#3. You gave away the answers to 1 and 2 earlier.


correct but only if you had read my I don't like Christmas post a few days ago:)
I wanted to start this thread again since we hadn't had it in a while. Usually you learn something new about people on the board.




It's a shame this site can't be expanded into different boards etc like most forums so we could have a game section. So many threads just get buried in here.


There are many boards, including several game boards. That's why most people post them here on General, because they don't get seen otherwise.


I just remembered they are too far down to notice.


I haven't been on here too long but when you said that, I went back to the Forums page and noticed that it's only showing three; I hadn't noticed that you have to click on the "+" to see more. Thanks for mentioning it, TexasJack.


The truth is... nobody cares
