MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have John Travolta and Tom Cruise always...

Have John Travolta and Tom Cruise always been whack jobs or just in recent years?

I can’t see them in their cool Saturday Night Fever and Top Gun days believing in Scientology and all that shit


I suspect they always were whack jobs but were sane enough to pretend to be normal until they were wealthy enough to do what they really wanted.


I think you’re right




I think you just nailed it.



Hey, when you're rich, you're no longer crazy. Instead, you're known as "eccentric."


That too. I also see Scientology as a "Union" of sorts. No idea what it's power is like now but back when Cruise and Travolta joined they seemed quite powerful. So you join the Union just as you would if you were a construction worker and you pay the dues and get the jobs, reap the benefits etc.

So in all likelihood they joined for professional reasons more than any actual personal belief in it.


Cruise is a nut but in his defense he didn't get sucked into Scientology until after Top Gun.


How did he get sucked in?


No thanks to Mimi Rogers.


Exactly. Ironically I had heard that she was now out of it. Anybody know if that is true?


It is.


If you want crazy, you should read the books, not just an overview written by someone else, of mideast religions. They have a LOT of very weird things going on. In one, women must shave their head, due to vanity, but it's okay to wear a wig that looks just like real hair!!


I have read Scientology because I'm fascinated by religion and psychology. They are the same thing. Types of people make up types of religions.

Anyway, Scientology is a semi-ripoff of a psychotherapy called Gestalt Therapy. The idea there is you become "authentic" when you stop lying overtly and to yourself. In Scientology they call that being Clear and have methods of doing it. The spaceman stuff is just nonsense but it's no more weird than any other religion I know of. And, Scientology isn't about prejudice, maybe a little, or about killing people and raping them because they aren't in your religion.

It's pretty harmless.


You should watch "Going Clear". Scientology is far from harmless.


☝️ This. There are several other good docs on it too.


I just checked it in the wiki and in general it doesn't worse that the hazing in my old college dorm.


Should a religion be like college hazing?


Why not? Human groups develop a range of similar dynamics. You can find similar group behaviors in colleges, schools, military, gangs, and of course, religions. It's not like bullying is very specific of just one of those, for example.


It's much, much worse than that. Think Jim Jones, but without the mass poisoning. And bigger and more powerful.


It's much, much worse than that.

I don't think so. As a general rule, no religion, ideology, regime or whatever similar is gonna be worse than the portray made by the people who attack it, like the documentary linked before. And that rule serves with Christians, Muslims, Communists, Buddhists, Wokes, and why not, Scientologists.


All righty then, have it your way. One quick read of Wikipedia, and you know all you need to know about it 👍


I've read other articles about Scientology.

But indeed, you are right, one quick read of wikipedia is enough. You don't need to read piles of data if you know how to read.

This example: I know that wikipedia has a woke bias in controversial topics. And I know that wokes have a quarrel with other religions that they consider "privileged" (that's why they don't go after Islam, for example), Scientology included. That means that that portray gives a very accurate representation of the worst case scenario. I know that the real case won't be worse. The same I know communism wasn't worse than the depiction made by US right, or XVIIth Catholicism wasn't worse than the depiction made by XVIIth protestants.


Oh good lord.


Whatever. But it all comes to a very simple idea: it's very unlikely that you're worse than the portray made by people that have a quarrel with you. Because if you were, they wouldn't miss the chance to portray you that way.

You have problems with that idea? Fine, that's up to you.


I have been reading about Scientology since 1985.

There is nothing that bad in the doctrine.

Christianity says that you can't think bad thoughts about anyone and you certainly can't kill anyone. However, many countries created their own brand of Christianity and turned it into a war religion in the middle ages, etc. That's not Christianity but rather the invention of weirdos.

Scientology has has some situations where weirdos get weird and do weirdness. Also, one can quit and go move somewhere else. They don't launch death squads of have jhads.

Currently, we have two very active religions from the mideast that are hate groups and kill people. A couple years ago in Afghanistan there was a religious group living on a mountain. They believe that Satan is a good guy! They believe that he asked god to forgive him and he did. Now it's Satan's job to do good deeds on Earth. Muslims saw them as infidels. So, the went and killed all the men, raped all the women, then sold them as sex slaves. That was like three years ago I think.

Scientology is nothing.

Also, for whatever bizarro reason, the same people who go after Scientology do not go after these big mass murdering religions and I do not get it.


I go after them all. They all brain-wash people, scientology included. One of my biggest gripes is their tax-exempt status in this country. That's bullshit.


As I mentioned, it's Gestalt Therapy with fantasy thrown in to make it a religion.

I don't care what people believe as long as they aren't bigots or murderers.

Some types of people need groups or movements to belong to because they are sad and empty and have no mission in life. I get it. But, Scientology doesn't rape and murder people, so they are low on my list.

I'd like to try some of the "clear" business as I love Gestalt therapy, but wouldn't want to hang with them.

Note: Look up that Satan is a good religion, very interesting.


If it helps people cool, but scientology tears families apart. Many times you are forced to shun other family members that don't adhere to scientology. That's pretty shitty. Plus they attack people with their lawyers. It's not harmless.


What do you think regular religions do?

Amish people are massively inbred. They came from 200 people and have massive genetic problems. The most common is, children born without brains and a disease that makes you smell like maple syrup! They have the infidel thing like jews and muslims and will not talk to you because you are unclean.

Jewish people have many genetic problems from the same thing. I started my psych career in my 20s and worked with mentally retarded people. Most were jewish. I didn't get that at the time but learned why.

How to you think these religions will treat people who don't believe in it anymore, they will shun you. If you live in the mideast in a muslim country, they might kill you.

So, Scientology isn't doing anything nearly that diabolical and unnatural.

I wouldn't want to be around ultra right wing relatives. If my gf suddenly became a Nazi, I would likely break up with her if it continued.

The idea of being "clear" is that you are no longer a liar. So, they say, people who aren't clear are toxic to be around. I get it. It's not a generous attitude like Christianity, where you should hang out with people who don't get it to positively influence them, but I understand it. AND, you don't have to be a Scientologist so if it's wrong, it's something a person can correct later.


As I said before, I don't care for any religion. Scientology included.


I think they are perversions and should all be viciously and publicly debunked.


I like your style.


Oh sure. And I suppose you think that Islam is a religion of peace too? Scientology is a destructive cult, and there's a mountain of evidence to prove it right here: There's a reason it's banned in Germany and several other countries.


You have got to be kidding?

Did you read the thread at all?


Not defending Scientology, just as I wouldn’t defend any other religion, but I don’t think either Cruise or Travolta mean anyone any harm.

You call them whack jobs but they are the ones making movies and we are the ones talking about them on the internet. I wouldn’t get too high and mighty.


They are involved in a cult that has caused much harm. Fuck them both.


Buckswope I hope you reserve the same level of anger for every Catholic actor too, talk about cults causing harm!


I have disdain for all religions.


Well, even as a non religious person, I think that your approach is very narrow and close-minded (by fear that they might be a bit of same thing).


OK there cock.


Didn’t Cruise kidnap his ex wife and hold her captive while beating her?


I haven’t heard that about Cruise. Which ex was this supposed to be? Rogers, Kidman or Holmes?




Hmm disgusting if true but to me it sounds like a nasty rumour. He might wield some power in certain circles but I doubt he would have the clout to fool the courts into giving him visitation rights if there was any substance to kidnap and spousal abuse allegations.


Aren't you referring to Sean Penn and Madonna?


That happened too


Well yeah, everyone knows that. She even wrote a song about it.


I do find it suspicious the incredible lengths it took for her to not only get in contact with her dad, but to escape both Cruise and the cult's clutches with her daughter intact. She had to do a lot of sneaky, dangerous things to get away from him, and she's grateful to have gotten away from him. Nicole wasn't so lucky, because when she divorced the Cruise Cretin, she was forced to leave her kids behind and hasn't had much contact with them. They were old enough to get indoctrinated into the cult, and chose to stay with daddy instead of her.


That was Rick James.


😊 😊 😊


People also talk and make movies about Ted Bundy. He wasn't a whack job???


Travolta became a scientologist before he hit it big with SNF.


Just in the last 10 or 15 years. Seems to be a common thing, "Hollywood Syndrome". Happens to maybe 90% of the long-time movie stars. Chronic disconnection from reality, I think.


it's been a lot longer than that. As I wrote on another board, Scientology actively recruits actors and other public figures. They actually have a dedicated division whose only function is to do so.


So basically, you are jealous of their fame, talent, and wealth.


Lol shut up


If I go for "tallent", neither of them two would come instantly to my mind..


And yet, they both have multiple Oscar nominations for Best Actor.


Yes, 2 for Travolta and 3 for Cruise. They were all well deserved nominations. However, it has been a while ago. Nowadays, they don't do much efforts acting wise. Cruise still has a better career now though.


I never said anything about their abilities as actors. Plenty of (most) talented celebrities are whack jobs.


I actually flirted briefly with Scientology in the 90's..The lure for me was Dianetics and becoming self actualizing. It seemed very interesting in theory.
I never heard about any of the other wacky stuff about space ships that we hear about now..But I did discover it can be pretty expensive to continue on with studying.. so I dropped out early on. I wasn't that impressed anyway.

One thing I believe about Travolta and Cruise is that they believe Scientology to be part of their secret to success regardless of how others perceive it. To me that's the mystery of why they hang in there.


"One thing I believe about Travolta and Cruise is that they believe Scientology to be part of their secret to success"

That could hypothetically work for Cruise, but Travolta's success is WAY passed its prime.


Yes , Travolta is now. But if you've seen the way that he lives you'll have to agree that he was very successful at one time.
The rumors that surrounded him seemed to have some basis in fact (after Pulp Fiction) and didn't help him any.
Now I guess he's just paying the bills.
