MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I would be terrified of becoming famous ...

I would be terrified of becoming famous today.

Every so often, I'll Google my own name when I feel paranoid about my privacy. About two years ago, I got the shock of my life when I discovered that there was a person with my exact same name who was practically splashing every single iota of her personal life out there--wedding pics, included. She was even going so far as registering social media accounts with her real name instead of using a username like 99% of the human race.

I was trying to figure out why on earth she'd do this, and then it dawned on me that this was a person who saw herself as becoming famous one day or was hoping that by putting her all out there, she'd be discovered. And I was thinking how terrifying it would be to become famous in today's world. Once upon a time, being famous meant being talented, creative, innovative or achieving something of great merit. Today, the bar has become so lowered that becoming famous invariably means being trashy, pandering to the lowest common denominator, going viral for some stupid reason or other (like being captured on video accidentally falling into a sinkhole and surviving) or doing something scandalous. If I became famous today, it would mean that I had become one or all of these things to get noticed.

Does anyone know what I mean?


What do you mean?


Once upon a time, if you became famous, it meant you had accomplished something amazing or done something admirable. Fame, in other words, was confirmation that you "did good" by being talented, creative or inspirational.

To become famous in today's world means that you would have debased yourself in some way to catch everyone's attention (leaked sex tape, embarrassing viral video, doing something trashy or irresponsible) because that's all fame amounts to these days. It means that you garnered negative attention in some way.

So, say a national newspaper or TV show suddenly contacted me and said, "Congratulations! You're famous! We want to interview you/make you the star of your own TV show/put you on the front of magazine covers!" I wouldn't think, "Yay! I must have done something good!" I'd think, "Oh, no. What happened? Is there some stupid viral video of me out there face planting on the sidewalk? Did a picture of me become a meme? Did someone record me doing something stupid?"


"Once upon a time, if you became famous, it meant you had accomplished something amazing or done something admirable."

Well no, Ted Bundy was famous. Still is! They're still making movies about him!

But yeah, being famous sounds absolutely horrible. Yet, people desperately want fame. I don't get it.


Yeah, I know what you mean. I too would be terrified of you becoming famous.


This made me laugh...


I think you are a little wrong.

I like the show Supernatural and I used to like Vampire Dairies. I liked them because the actors are good and so is the writing. Supernatural has been a hilarious show over the years and everyone needs praise.

The guy from Supernatural is a good actor, funny, and handsome, but how much do you know about Jenson Ackles---lol!!!

Same with Vampire Diaries. The actors were never in the news.

Both shows are on the CW and I wondered if they have some kind of nonpublicity policy or something.

My point here is that I wonder if some celebs actually pretend to be bombarded by fame. There's people who should be all over the news, but aren't.


I would NEVER want to be a celebrity for whatever the reason. If my face could be easily recognized and it would be a PITA to go go out in public there is no way I would want that to be a part of my life.

And I do agree with you that some people become celebrities for the most god-awful reasons.


There's another girl out there with the name "Atomic Girl"? What are the odds?


And it was a real name too! What were her parent thinking??


I know you're joking, but someone actually poached a very specific version of my username. A few years ago, I had a blog called "atomicgirlnyc". Then a year or two later, a photographer just started going around cyberspace calling herself "atomicgirlnyc" and using that as her brand and guess what? I'm a photographer, too. So silly, but that's the nature of cyberspace, I guess.


Sounds like you got a lawsuit on your hands.


You can still become famous for a legitimate reason. It is all up to you. Unless you posted a lot of embarassing crap out there or did something illegal it shouldn't be a problem.


I agree completely.

These days if you become rich and famous, you're immediately attacked by the morons on the Left claiming that you don't deserve either, you're evil, and that you should "redistribute" your wealth to a bunch a lazy assholes who never worked a day in their lives!

