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We're having a 🔥👋

That's right, we're smack in the middle of a fire wave here.

This morning it was 91 at 11:30 AM! 😬 Wiltingly hot. Headed to the beach for a while, which was oddly deserted. Never had been to this beach before. Can't say I was impressed with it but hey, beach, and 15 degrees cooler? Works for me.

They're saying it's going to be even hotter tomorrow and Saturday 😰

Even with a fan and a breeze (ha, make that wind), it was so hot I had to grab what I had for a makeshift bathing suit and jump in the pool. Which is unheated, and felt grrreat! Now I'm very glad I found a place with a pool. Thought it was a luxury but it's turning into a necessity. Haven't been swimming in a pool for decades. Lovely!


You have a pool??!! Lucky you! I understand Florida is suffering though an early heatwave, too. Around here, we're under red flag warnings, which means no outside burning allowed. Hence, no bonfire in the backyard for a while yet.


Yes!! Can you believe it? I so lucked out, in the midst of a pandemic!

Red flag warning because things are too dry over there? I'm surprised. I thought you were still dealing with snowy/rainy spring.

Hadn't heard about FL also having an early heatwave. It's a bit scary with this lockdown thing. People are going stir crazy as it is, then add in H-E-A-T and everyone wanting to escape it and, 😦

Mayors of 2 towns above and below LA are very worried everyone from LA is going to flood their beaches, and bring the virus with them. LA has closed their beaches, so you know that's going to happen. I even met a few people up here who'd come from LA a few weeks ago to walk our trails.


Yes, red flag. The snow is gone, but the grass hasn't greened up yet, so there's a lot of brown, dry grass around. We haven't had any measurable rain for a couple of weeks. Also, leftover leaves from last fall. I've raked my yard to get the last of the leaves that came down right before the first snowfall. It's a timing thing. Sometimes you get the chance to rake up the remnants before the first snow, and sometimes you don't.


Its hot here too. And my ac bill was 90$ so i'm scared what it will be for may.


Is it? Yikes, $90 for one month, in early spring, for AC is a lot. I'm hoping this is a fluke.

I wish I had AC though. The pool is great, also great exercise, but you can't be in the pool all the time.


its Az my first time in this Apartment..Its seems extreme but what to do.


AC is necessary for survival in AZ, at least in the southern half of the state. But opposite what we're concerned about here. In MN we dread the winter heating bills. In AZ, you dread the AC bills. I don't have AC, so yes, the winter heating bills are the bugger. I get through summer heat waves with fans.


Well in my house in the past my ac bill was 350.. But it wasn't this early and my new apt is smaller..


The cooler weather never seems to last long enough in AZ. I lived there for 8 years. Loved the winters, but spring was far too short, and then we hit the high temps...
