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Hey hownos baseball

what do you think about the 82 game season?


I always thought the baseball season was too long. The regular season should end on Labor Day weekend and the playoffs would end about a month later. For this year 82 games seems about right. I will take anything at this point.


Also universal DH which will probably become a permanent rule going forward.


i am tired of watching pitchers try to hit.


aww :( but it takes the pinch hitter strategy out of the game.


there was a time when every team had a decent pinch hitter that seems to be no longer the case.


Do you remember Rusty Staub?


I remember him with the Expos in the 1970s.


Did you know that Youppi got adopted by the Canadiens?


i did


Do you think the NHL playoffs will happen? The Blues were in 1st place in the Central, I was looking forward to their Cup defense.


The problem with the NHL is that the Canada-USA border is closed and there were four Canadian teams in the playoffs.


I didn't think about that. darn.


It IS too long - especially the last few years when games have been played in November. To me baseball is a warm weather sport and when you go past Halloween and starting to think about Turkey Day, it's getting too late.

I'll be happy with anything that is live sports right now - I'll even watch golf and bowing.


I tend to agree that the season is too long. I could easily go for about a 100 game season.

Part of what I don't like about the current (okay, maybe "recent" is the more appropriate word) scheduling is that team A plays a 3- or 4-game series against team B, and then a week later, the same teams face each other.


It's gonna be like that even more this year. regions will play each other instead of leagues. That means the Twins and Cardinals will play each other since they are both Central teams.


Ah! Well, if there's league crossover it'll be more interesting than the Twins playing the White Sox over and over again.


Universal DH as well. Has bozo mowed his yard lately?


Of course not! But I did mine only yesterday for the first time this year - late spring and almost no rain.

I had a laugh today, though. Bozo, or more likely his girlfriend, decided to move the bags of leaves that he left behind his garage last fall. Time to put them out next to the alley to be collected.

Ha, ha, ha. I knew this would happen. Around here, we have to use specific bags for yard waste that are biodegradable. Well, he left them outside all winter and guess what! They degraded! I saw at least three bags that fell apart during the move. Now, he'll have to buy more bags and re-bag all of them. Serves him right.


what if he just waits until they blow into your yard?


I think that was his plan, but then his girlfriend (at least I assume that's who she is) has started coming over more over the past six or eight months, and I suspect she's been on him about paying some attention to a few things around the house. However, what I visualize is her saying that he ought to do this or that, and he responds with something to the effect that if she's so concerned about it, SHE can do it. She did the raking last fall and mowed the lawn a few times, so...

His white van is gone and has been since yesterday so I think he's working at the moment (he does flooring). She comes over to let "the horse" (his Great Dane) out a few times a day when he's gone.


Uh oh! Beware of white vans! Never trust a white van!


To be honest, I suspect he's doing some less-that-legal things at his house. He never opens his curtains/blinds, and there's a light on in his basement ALL the time.

He's blocked the window in his garage, and fitted an exhaust-type vent into the piece of plywood he used to cover that window. There are black smudges surrounding that vent, indicating he's burning something noxious in there.

I also suspect he's installing those "boom" speakers into assorted vehicles. I don't know whether they're friends' cars or just a side job for him. I call them 3-block speakers because you hear them 3 blocks coming and 3 blocks going.

He's a real piece of work, but whatcha gonna do?


2-hr time limit?
