MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I hate when someone I'm not attracted to...

I hate when someone I'm not attracted to tries to put the moves on me

Especially when they are 'friends'. Very awkward. It even makes the friendship awkward because you know they're sort of pervy about you, probably fantasising about you.

I tell my female flatmate 'hey personal space' when she gets too close and other things to make it clear... she needs to back off.


Pro-tip: Don't wash. Ever.


Be up front and tell her you don’t want anything other than a platonic friendship and then tell her you’re not the touchy-feely kind of friend so she will respect your space. Hopefully she won’t pursue you after that.


Yes, I have told her not to call me a nickname, not to touch, I have rejected her repeated requests to give me a massage. She needs to get this message!


Ok yes, that would make me mad too. She is not respecting your boundaries. The next move, I guess, would be avoidance. Be as unavailable as you can. It sucks that you live together. You may have to leave the room a lot or bring other female friends over.


Don't be too hard on them. If they didn't make the move, they'd be left wondering. Only one way to find out if the feeling is mutual


If you want to be rid of her then just let her get to know you better...
