MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Am I the only one who thinks Scarface ki...

Am I the only one who thinks Scarface kind of sucks?

Never mind that it has been hijacked and cheapened by hip hop culture, the quality of the movie itself just isn’t that good. I used to love it, now I look back and realize how cheesy it is.

Having said that, the botched drug deal scene w the chainsaw is AWESOME and one of the most intense scenes put to film. The rest is so over the top and silly it’s almost unwatchable. Pacino’s accent is awful and I highly doubt there was ever a Cuban drug lord like that.


I haven't seen it in years, but I have always loved it, seen it many, many times. I think it needs a rewatch.


I love it. Way better than goodfellas and the irishman combined.


Lol! You really are a funny guy Tommy!


I do. I never liked it.


Eh, it's all right. A bit overrated, if you ask me, and yes, way over-the-top, but still enjoyable.

I do like the dramatic irony that for all of the evil, messed-up stuff Tony gets up to, it is one of the rare moments in which he shows some sort of decency - refusing to kill the journalist's family along him - that ultimately dooms him.


That was actually based on a real life mafia incident so I give no credit to Stone


Yes, you are.

I recently watched the new 4k bluray and it's one of the most entertaining movie ever. Not at any point during its 3 hours length drags.


According to this one small thread, no, I’m not


If you make a "am I the only one...?" thread, what did you expect?


Parts of it come across as gaudy and cheap but that was the 80's


Only have seen it once and relatively recently, and I found it laughably bad. Over-wrought, definitely. Not completely amateurish, just not credible and with very hammy performances.
I see why some people might find it entertaining, but not for me.


it is hammy and funny. i guess it wasn't meant to be.


That’s the sad part
