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What do you miss the most about the 1990's?

Me I feel quality of life was so much better back then, I miss the way people dressed back then and you got more for your money.


my parents


😞 sorry


I also feel music, movies, TV shows and clothing were of much better quality then than now.


The 1990's was the decade of the great English Period Drama revival when such wonderful TV mini-series productions as these were made:

The Catherine Cookson Collection
Great Expectations (1999)
The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling (1997)
Middlemarch (1994)
Our Mutual Friend (1998)
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1998)
Vanity Fair (1998)
Wives and Daughters (1999)

and of course it continued on into the 2000's.

Otherwise as time goes by I find myself increasingly a stranger in my own land. I went into Melbourne's Central Business District a few years ago where I first went to work so long ago and I barely recognised it so much had changed. Melbourne is many times bigger in area and population than it was in my youth and full of people from all over the world. It's not the city I knew.


Having lots of friends that I saw at School everyday. Also, being able to play computer games like Carmen Sandiago, Doom, and Wolfenstein.


Wolfenstein! Even the thought of it right now gives me motion sickness.


Being younger.


The music and being younger


The Singles Chart meaning something.
Point and Click adventure games.
Garfield slapped on my car window.
Going to my local video store and checking out all the risqué movies on the top shelf!
When Star Wars was just three great movies.
My waistline! 😊


My carefree childhood
Normal weather
Lack of smartphones
