MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I find tomb excavation IMMORAL

I find tomb excavation IMMORAL

I'm watching Secrets of Saqqara Tomb on netflix and they have found an amazing tomb.

I have no problem with them admiring the artwork, deciphering what's written on the walls etc, but then they do something really bad, they dig into the ground and find a child's tomb.

They break into it and remove the bones one at a time, then pick through the bones on the dirt ground.

This tomb was made for them to eternally rest, why can't that be respected????


DLM = Dead Lives Matter.

Ok, I couldn't resist. I see your point though, it is hypocrisy in regards to the common standard of having respect for the dead. It shouldn't matter how long someone has been dead for.


They aren't respecting their history.


???? They're just bones. The intent of the burial was to preserve for the"eternal time everlasting". Well, there is no such thing, obviously. Just a very valuable look into ancient history.


Well curses sometimes befall those who mess with Egyptian tombs.


If you're referring to the death's following the discovery of King Tut's tomb, it's pretty much been attributed to Carter's people breathing crap that had been brewing inside for thousands of years.


That is a myth. Talking about the early 1900's excavations? That was a rumor run wild. No such thing as curses.


What about the Poltergeist curse?


Seems like there's an expiration date on respecting the deceased. If you've been dead long enough that archeologists are interested, you are past it.


Elvis has left the building. There's no one there to eternally rest.


Oh dear heavens - this tomb is 4,400 years old. Archaeological digs are not a problem for me.

I don't even have an issue with something as recent as Titanic. There is a big uproar over retrieving the Marconi device from the wreckage and IMHO, that is ridiculous.
