MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone have an interest in Birds?

Does anyone have an interest in Birds?

They are fascinating, just for their own traits and also an an indicator species.
Does anyone know the difference between sparrows and starlings?
Some birds have the flock instinct while others are more independent.
Anyone like birds?


Hungry cats?


Yes, I like the raptors best
Here in the Lower Hudson Valley of NY we have lots of Red Tailed Hawk, Owls and a few Bald Eagles and Falcons (it's true what we've heard about Falcons on the nature shows, they can turn and dive with the speed of a bullet when they hunt!)

I've found two fairly large Eagle nests at nearby fishing spots, they are made of sticks and stuffed with grass, very impressive

Late at night out in my garage you can hear the Owls calling to each other in the woods out back, it sounds eerie but pretty if that makes sense...

During the Summer nosy little Hummingbirds buzz their way into the garage, they are amazing little creatures

I love birds but Starlings (which are jet black with a pretty iridescent appearance) and Sparrows (drab, chubby little brown and grey things) are a nuisance around the home as they like to nest in eaves and gutters and make an annoying racket


Hummingbirds are wonderful...I feel bad for Starlings because I think they are beautiful, intelligent birds but are considered an invasive species and therefore mostly hated. I never knew that they are good talkers:


I didn't know they could do that


Lyre birds are pretty amazing.


There was a recent thread about them (though you wouldn't know it from the title of the thread)


Oops. You're right! How'd I miss that?? 😳


I like to ho down to the canal and feed the pond life there. I'm weary of sprinkling the seed by my flat as I don't want to attract rodents.

But yes, I do like watching wildlife in general.


I like to ho down to the canal

You sure you want to admit to that here?


I need something to do this lockdown 😄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Remember to social distance😁


I’m just glad that you didn’t leave the C off that last word that I quoted.


I remember when I was a kid we had this older neighbor who trained a wild crow to land on his left hand (he would wear wear a heavy leather glove) and he would feed him with his right hand. The crow became like a pet and the old guy used to call out to him and he would have sit right by him and stay for hours.
