MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is white pride considered a bad thin...

Why is white pride considered a bad thing?

Yet black pride isn't? Where is straight pride parade?


It's a fucking double standard.



You can say that right there again buddy


It's a fucking double standard!



it might be too subtle, but imagine this.

if you accomplish something, get a promotion, award, etc., you won't be burdened with knowing that a lot of people assume you got it on account of your race getting special preferential treatment. they'll generally consider that you earned it on merit, or on the normal accepted special preferential treatment that comes from being part of the normal long-established order.

which might be an indication of something which could inform why black pride is more an explicit presumed societally necessary-to-sanction expression, while white power & accomplishment is more the lay of the land, and has a rather rugged historical set of baggage, if you aren't aware, as it sounds you are not, which renders extolling the fact a bit problematic.

maybe that helps, maybe it doesn't. maybe i'm crazy - but that's a thought experiment, as sam harris likes to say, and is often mocked for so saying. i don't, by the way, particularly care for sam harris.




Have you seen the Jalen Rose comments about Kevin Love making the U.S. Olympic basketball team?


"you won't be burdened with knowing that a lot of people assume you got it on account of your race getting special preferential treatment. they'll generally consider that you earned it on merit, or on the normal accepted special preferential treatment that comes from being part of the normal long-established order."

The reason special treatment is often "assumed" is because organizations like AA exist that literally require hiring and/or tertiary entry purely based on ethnicity and not merit. Get rid of these stupid racial quotas and you might find the "preferential treatment" assumption might start disappearing too. True "equality" will never be achieved when you make exceptions based on race. This applies to both majorities and minorities.



its an interesting discussion we're having :)

its very easy for a race on top to grow quickly indignant at special measures to repair advance for a race at the bottom.

ignoring, of course, the special measures which put them on the bottom in the first place, and actively kept them there for centuries.

history and socioeconomic realities have to play into any notion of addressing/repairing/mitigating inequality.

i'm not saying these are easy problems to overcome, but being jealous that a race which used to run roughshod over blacks for centuries can't wax sentimental about their ACTUAL EXISTING economic supremacy doesn't seem like a serious quibble. how do you distinguish, for example, from white power & white supremacy as presently understood as a rancid violent political movement aimed at black suppression ?

black power, a mere aspiration, doesn't have any of that history or threat of it.

again, maybe this resonates with you, maybe you find it obnoxious. that's your privilege. these are merely my thoughts, having considered these questions over a fairly long period of time.

the vast disparity in economic & social conditions between the races bothers me. a just worthwhile society attempts to arrive at a better dispensation for all, and strives to level these race-based disparities, which are quite certainly in a large way a vestige of past injustices.


Because people are stupid. Being proud or happy of your race has nothing to do with you thinking your race is better than others. We don't think that way when we celebrate our country's national holiday, but why do people get offended when being happy for your own race?




This should be fun 🍿


It's not bad at all. The constant black pride is in reaction to the incredible achievements by white people. The black ego is unmatched in the world. And they can't handle that just about every great discovery and achievement, outside of rap music, was accomplished by white people.


Well, if we forget that all the hominids or H.Erectus & Co. who survived were black maybe you are right.


Tough question to answer, it's a fair question though...

Years ago I had a college professor ask me how I felt about myself in one of those 'open convo' sort of lessons that lazy ass college teachers inflict upon you when you are stuck in their odious, bullshit company when they are hung over or bored

I told her I was 'proud' and this became a gunfight over why I should be a proud white guy vs. her idea that white guys are just shitheels...funny class, big argument, I derailed her foolish lesson and it felt fine to poke at the sanctimonious bitch

That same semester she asked us to describe our goals...I told her I planned to be a Patriarch, marry a pretty lass, make babies and manage a large household from the earnings of my future career...She called me a 'sexist' and told me that making babies was selfish and adopting babies was more respectable

That nutter has become a depressingly common sort now
Bitch gave me a high grade thoughπŸ‘


Did you know that you're African? Yup, as well as the rest of humanity. We all came from Africa originally. Hopefully when the Fascists learn this they'll all have heard attacks.
