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Food you've never tried

Is there a popular food that you have never eaten? For whatever reason, you've just never gotten around to tasting it.

For me, it's peanut butter.

I keep meaning to buy a jar but I never remember to. Every so often it will pop in my head, but I've still never tasted it and experienced for myself why it's so popular 🤷‍♀️


You will probably hate peanut butter. It’s a taste you have to acquire as a child.

I never tried
- tripe.
- head cheese
- haggis
- sheep eyeballs or any eyeball for that matter
- sweetmeats
- Rocky Mountain oysters
- blowfish

… and I never will.


Are sweetmeats the same as what they call “sweet breads”? Like the pancreas.


Yes, offal. Prob sweet breads is the correct term.


Another food I have always reused to try

along with the rest of your list. The words "head" and "cheese" just sound awful together. Lettuce, yes. Cheese, I don't even want to know what it is.

General Schwarzkopf, in his autobiography, wrote about how when he was a boy in Tehran (his dad was there for some reason) he was offered an eyeball and, not wanting to cross his father or offend the hosts, swallowed it whole. It actually stood him in good stead as many years later in Vietnam, he was offered to drink blood as a toast (I forget what kind of animal) and he knew what was expected and readily drinking it impressed all the Vietnamese officers and soldiers present.


Oh lordy, I used to eat tripe as a child. It was a common food up north (in England) at the time. I always thought it was fish. I was 6 or 7 when I discovered what it is and I never ate it again!


Lutefisk, and I have no intention of ever trying it.


I heard about this when I lived in Minnesota, but I refused to try it


popular ? no, but i've never tried


i think in spain i was once served, as a malicious prank, horse


Spam (Stuff Posing As Meat)


For reasons unfathomable quite popular in Hawaii


"For me, it's peanut butter."

I'm curious, have you ever had peanuts? Not much difference.


Had salted and dry roasted peanuts. Not sure that I've ever eaten a plain one.


sushi, although that are on sale at every step, and not to say that I do not like fish, but somehow there was no desire


Lutefisk. My grandparents loved it.

It smelled like old stinky socks mixed with burning tires when they were cooking it.

I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten foot pole!


I eat anything. I try to get a taste of something exotic when it is available to me even if I find it reprehensible by moral standards (I ate a horse burger in Belgium).

Of legal things to eat that I know are served somewhere:

No reptiles other than Frogs legs
No eyes of any kind other than part of a fish eye
Bird's nest soup
100 year old egg
insects other than chocolate covered ants (I really want to dash down below the border and try some insect cuisine!)
