MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Worst studio theatrical movie ever made?

Worst studio theatrical movie ever made?

No Birdemic or The Room. Studio produced, at least a modest budget, and played in theaters. What’s the worst movie of all time?

I’d say Jaws The Revenge. Not a single thing was done right in that film. Honestly worse than The Room.


Ghostbusters (2016)


i think i'd have to say the phantom menace would be at the top of my list. to me, it's a movie without any redeeming qualities.


Blues Brothers 2000


Of movies I've seen, Ben-Hur (2016) comes to mind. Huge bomb. But I wouldn't call it worst of all time.


HAS to be a transformer sequel. 2, 4, and 5 particularly. 5 may be the worst, idk. just no plot, random effects, cringe jokes, literally no screenplay.


2 legit gave me a headache. No, I'm not exaggerating.

The film was just so blergh but that final battle on the pyramids, I genuinely couldn't tell the transformers apart. Tried so hard to focus, ended up with a killer headache


Well, all these years on, I still resent having paid actual Earth money to see Batman & Robin in the cinema, but ultimately think I agree with damosuzuki: Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace.


Episode I might be the most disappointing. I don't think I'd rate it lower than some of the movies mentioned so far. Worse than Jaws the Revenge? Nah.


Jaws the Revenge - objectively terrible.
The Phantom Menace - objectively terrible + disappointing.

Phantom Menace wins. Or loses. Depending on your point of view.


There were a couple of things I liked about Episode I, so I have to rate it a little higher than Jaws 4. If you think they were both 100 percent terrible from start to finish, that makes sense.


Yeah, I think they'd both score 100% on my terribl-o-metre.


I always say that if George Lucas had been able to make The Phantom Mess back in 1977, Star Wars would have ended then. There would have been no franchise.


Highlander II: The Quickening


Battlefield Earth


Oh, yes. I am reminded that I did actually attempt a watch (out of curiosity). I think I made it through 10 minutes. Maybe 15 tops.
