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What’s your beef

I find that the cheap after market charging cords that you can get from any local gas station work better and last longer.


No. I only use original brand cables now. I used an off-brand cable once, and it broke my power bank.


I’m sure you do


You don't believe me?


My job is "essential" and carries a very high risk of exposure to COVID, and my employers are constantly saying "Stay home when you're sick! Don't expose your co-workers to anything!".

Yet they've kept the ridiculously low number of times we're allowed to call in sick per year the same. People have to come into work sick or injured if they want to keep their jobs.


I am thankful my job at a Kroger store is union so that if you are sick for a few days you are excused if you have a doctor's note. It also allows medical leave for if you are sick or injured for a long while.

Also lately some coworkers and I have coughs but management thankfully doesn't require us to call in sick just for coughs.


If we're sick more than five times in one year, my employers require us to get our doctors to fill out FMLA paperwork and not just a note! Assholes.

But dude, if you and your co-workers are coming to work with coughs, I hope they require you to wear face coverings on the job? Not everyone sterilizes their groceries the way I do!


We're all required by the heads of the Kroger company to wear masks. No exceptions.


I'm very relieved to hear it!

Good luck with the cough, and the general public. People can be so awful to anyone in the retail industry.


I know. Last week I witnessed a woman get angry at my coworker because she couldn't stand one of her items could only be discounted with an online digital coupon and the woman was a hypocrite cause she actually had other digital coupons she'd loaded onto her card that discounted some of her other items. And she yelled at my coworker that it wasn't okay that the item needed a digital coupon.

We have a lot of customers like that. Old stubborn people who insist they can't possibly use the internet and want the digital coupons without having an online Kroger account. I even pointed out to an old stubborn man that if he had a library card he could go to the local library and get on the internet for free. But he insisted it's too much trouble to do that.


On the other hand, store's promotions are getting out of hand with this item use this code, or if you want this discount you have to use that code but only when you buy this but also having minimum amount of that, etc. So unnecessarily complicated.

There should be a limit on how complex a promotion may be able to be offered.


Big Data is absurd, the expectation to allow every company permission to collect information on you just to do business with them is out of control.


Some of us just don't want that invasive crap on our phones.


I still find it funny how our "essential workers" only make minimum wage, don't get medical coverage, and pretty much are treated like scum by the rest of society.


I actually make above minimum wage though the only way you can get a substantial raise at Kroger is by working 34 hours or more over the span of a year. In some ways I can't really blame the people in charge of Kroger for it since a person who works 34 to 40 hours a week is contributing more to the company than a person who works 20 to 25 hours a week. And let's face it, you aren't gonna make enough money to support yourself much less your family unless you are working 40 hours a week or more. It's like that no matter how high minimum wage is. Frankly minimum wage right now in my state of Illinois is $11 and it's going to be $12 an hour in a few weeks when January hits. But people still need to work 40 hours to really support themselves. Otherwise they're still not getting that much money. It'll still be like that even in 2025 when minimum wage is $15 an hour.

Frankly I'm fearing me and others will get laid off in the future with the raise of minimum wage happening and they'll get rid of all regular check lanes and replace them all with youscans. From what I've heard that has happened in $15 dollar an hour minimum wage states with grocery stores and even fast food restaurants. And you and so many others refuse to see the negative aspects of it because you are too blind to everything. But that's just liberals in general. Always demanding things without giving any thought to how it'll really effect things and ignoring things like the country's debt or your state's debt.


Nothing to do with liberals. I'm liberal and I'm poor and I worry about making ends meet and inflation and all that.
It's greed at the top that makes the rest of us all poor.


Yeah, I think there are too many people who don't ask "should we" rather than "can we". Should we automate everything or do we need the government to step in and protect the citizens from the race to the bottom. Self-checkout is one of those things that make sense when you're trying to make millions of dollars, but it is of limited benefit to the customer (other than the fact the only lanes open are self-checkout because you fired all the other cashiers)


looks like hockey will be shut down again.


I try to listen to sports to ease my mind from all the cares of the world, but the cares of the world are very much invading sports.


no fans at the montreal canadiens game tonight. that's where things are headed.


100% angus bro


I hate humanity and a good purge would do us a lot of good.


The boffins tell us the world is over-populated and then when a pandemic comes along they look a gift horse in the mouth and try to suppress it ! I know a 1% mortality rate isn't much but it would have been a start !


Yeah, solving climate change and all our problems with a pandemic.


you should go first.


Well as it turned out I did get Covid-19 early on and didn't go to the doctor so you could say I did go first. And I am unvaccinated. So in that sense I have put my money where my mouth is.


but you were never tested?


No I didn't bother getting tested. There was no point. They had no treatment apart from hospitalisation ( which I didn't want ) and no vaccines.

But a nice piece of deflection you WUM.


could have been the flu.


No it really couldn't have been the flu Wind Up Merchant. It was definitely Covid-19. The symptoms, onset, duration and after effects were text book.


what are you going on about. you weren't tested. you have no idea what you had.




I'm the leader of the Stinkmati. Watch it.


Delusions of grandeur. What a surprise.


Stinkmati? Is that the correct spelling?


As interesting as this conversation isn't I see no point in continuing it.






Are you an actual medical doctor?


It's the backup Wind Up Merchant right on cue !

Here's my last response to hownos for you:

As interesting as this conversation isn't I see no point in continuing it.


Then why get involved in the conversation you WUM-skull?!?


he played one on tv.


And poorly too, just like he trolls


when you engage him with a sensible question, he slithers away.


So many do

We've got a few of these ones

Total bores, nothing but nonsense


the guy lives in some kind of alternate universe


He should rent an apartment and stay the hell over there!


That's easy to say but the ramifications are horrific.





Ó shì de


That's not even Mandarin.


Ob-La-Di, Oh Blah Da is the proper pronunciation


No one remembers history. Not even recent history. Not even immediate history. Truth and wisdom in critically low levels.

That's my beef.

... also filet mignon medium rare w horseradish truffle butter


bad table manners
i also really hate it when people stand right behind me in checkout lines. covid's pretty much gotten rid of that.

everyone else is cool with me.
