MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Kiss/Marry/Kill



Maggie Gyllenhaal
Charlize Theron
Emma Stone

I'll keep adding, but if anyone wants to throw out a list, feel free.



Kevin Spacey
Harvey Weinstein
Bill Cosby


Kiss my kids on their sweet heads and thank my lucky stars for my sweeties

Marry my wife again 1,000 times and then 1,000 times again

Kill that one goddam mouse that I just know has been nesting in the back cellar by my warm furnace for years, it’s a clever bastard that is marked for death but it’s a really elusive son of a bitch…I wiped out his entire clan, everyone of them cold and dead with glue traps and snap traps baited with peanut butter ages ago when I bought this house but this stealthy creep has proven to be the frigging Fidel Castro of rodents, he’s been an un-killable shithead and he’s living in my way back cellar rent free and pooping near my holiday decorations

This little fucker is my Great White Whale and I am his Ahab, I dreamt about this creep two nights ago, no lie, the both of us can’t live together forever


Kiss: Maggie Gyllenhaal
Marry: Emma Stone (easy one)
Kill: Charlize Theron
