MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are all or most artistic people flawed h...

Are all or most artistic people flawed human beings? As well as easily hurt?

Actors, musicians, writers, politicians (yikes especially, but still!), film directors and producers, pop culture representatives, TV presenters etc? Are a lot of them prone to bad, abusive and at times even criminal behaviour of the kind of unforgivable variety that civilized human beings refuse to let go of even decades later, and may even speak ill of them after their deaths? (Mostly) male perhaps but can be exceptions?

Are they also prone to taking life too seriously, even if they don't say suffer from being bullied (ala at school for instance), from not getting right grades, from not being healthy and on the verge of death, from not succeeding in passing exams etc, and are also a lot more wealthy at least than your typical Joe Schmoe and John Average, and NO offense to either one including John Smith, and I don't just mean one British political figure who passed away in 1994 or that drink.

Think about also that fictional character John played by Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" (1980) suffering from writer's block and then going ape crazy.

We do NOT say and state that they "should" be like this or "should do" bad things, OF COURSE they shouldn't - but that's a simple truism, same with LEGAL stuff and whatnot, and MORAL for that matter.

But still, what do you think... And why can't they ALL be GREAT human beings as well including morally, thanks. :)

P.S. Even talent wise there maybe inconsistencies. I actually have heard that Stanley Kubrick was in many ways a failure at school. But he is and was a BRILLIANT film director, extremely TALENTED. And gained world wide fame and respect to boot. :)


All humans are flawed one way or another, but for some reason people like to give artistic people a pass,(for most things, but not all), because of their talents.


Different profession demands different mask.

Politicians are given a leeway on outright lying and bullshiting that wouldn't be accepted in any other professions. While demanded on things that have nothing to do with their work like promiscuity or inapropriate dress, etc. which artists tend to get a pass on.


They are also protected by fame and money. It is all an unfortunate facts of life. Also, even if they do get a pass and say don't go to jail, its not as if all ordinary decent people just accept it and move on.

And online, people tend to angrily debate it, get outraged, quarrel with each other, mention related examples etc. If you and I even faced a quarter of this justifiable outrage, in a mostly negative sense, your life will be ruined and lessened.


Because we all live in a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT people! (Explained - the latter part about the outrage.)




Was Alfred Hitchcock a nice man besides being a talented director? Did he do anything criminally offensive ala Roman Polanski or Shelley Malil from "Crossing Over" (2009) who killed his girlfriend or anything lesser but still wrong?


No idea.


Some say he was a little abusive towards his cast members and that he lusted over one actress.


I didn't know that.


Grace Kelly?


OK let's debate - how easily hurt are they and do they have feelings more so than the average human soul on Earth?


I think most of them are basically very insecure people, so that causes them to be more sensitive.


Creative people are more in touch with their feelings. There's also a link between mental illness and creativity. Finally, most don't have a need to fit in or be accepted by society.

I wouldn't consider politicians, TV presenters and pop culture reps to be creative.


EVERYONE is a flawed human being who is easily hurt.


Sir ... SIR! The restrooms are down the hall, 2nd door on the right.


Salt and pepper.
The white and black.
The Yin & Yang.

Crazy has no boundaries. It affects the beautiful and the ugly. Rich and poor. And, all the shades of gray in-between. Granted, the creative seem to be the victims of their own doing. Swinging themselves by the tail. Drugs, alcohol, sex addictions, etc.

Are these current world leaders creative and/or artistic?
Sure they are. They keep finding new ways to dominate one another with suppression...all the way to death.

Artist are usually in the public eye because of their art. Making THEM known and more popular. There are artist and musicians that are well balanced and stable, free from crazy.
To think that YOU have a predestined fate for a back ward of a mental hospital and/or suicide, is ridiculous!
Don’t put the stigma on yourself, as some lame excuse for making bad choices.
ADHD & ADD...”Sit your ass down and shut up.” As a soft backhand swipes the side of your head making you feel stupid.
Problem solved!
A teacher loses control of her classroom. The little brats are too fragile for discipline!
The school nurse has discussed the possibility of medicating your kids for a new illness created by so-called doctors.
Bulimia is a 20th century made up, self-inflicted behavior problem.
From the cradle to the grave YOU are put on ‘pills’ for life!
Chemical straight-jackets for the masses!
💊 + Rx Companies + you = $

The biggest racket out there.
Doctors of The Mind!
What a fucking joke!

They’ll medicate anyone! Artist and/or anyone else that THEY can falsely diagnose.

So, are artist and creative people more susceptible for ‘crazy’ than the norm?
If you choose to be...


Some good points but ... are you a scientologist? The brain has chemistry. How do you rekun' there are no valid psychiatrists?


Nope! Just a vet who knows about the 22 veterans a day that are killing themselves! And VA (?doctors?) are immune to malpractice suits. They re-locate them like child molesting priest.


Take away the pills that they prescribe and what is their job title?
A psychologist!


Fair enough. I agree 80%. I think that some people have genuine chemical imbalances that can be identified and treated by a trained professional. I also think that most people on a regular regime of treatment drugs are being over-medicated. It is true that lots of doctors are making money pushing unnecessary scrips.

One of the stupidest people I have ever known personally is now a practicing psychologist. Terrifying.

I did not know that about VA doctors. That is crazy.


Yeah, we could dance all day on this topic. Pros and cons until the sun goes down. Granted, in early psychiatry Ice Baths, heinous experiments in a T-4 clinic in Germany. The birthplace of modern psychiatry. Shock treatments and lobotomies! Now, the schizophrenics are far better off with life made better by modern chemistry, but, the treatments are not limited to the schizophrenic...they want to infiltrate every aspect of humanity with a pill for everyone! Whether YOU need them or not.
Base pay for a VA shrink, $120,000 a year. A staff shrink, $250,000 annually.
Don’t mess with their title or money! YOU may wind up with a room all to yourself!


Semi-joke question - aren't many or even at least SOME artistic people actually perfect, or, at the very least, truly 'great' human beings? Much more moral and intelligent and talented whilst also being happy and helpful and with loads of friends ON TOP of their money, wealth and riches, than your standard Joe Schmoe, Joe Average, John Smith, Vasya Petrov hahaha human beings out there, and no real offense to them, lol. :)
