

It's free here, so happy to roll up my sleeve.


Someone is paying for it.
Do you pay taxes?

Even ‘buy one get one free’ is an illusion...

It’s only 1/2 price, (nothing) is the only thing that is FREE


My family and I will all be happy to get it (along with our flu booster), but if you don't want to then that's fair enough.


Good deal.
I had 1,2 and 3...yeah, personally I am done.

FREE choice and FREE will, sent many to an early grave.

Land of the FREE? what a joke.

FREE cable for 3 months! Only if you lock-in for 3 years. If you try to exit the offer, how FREE will IT be to get out of the contract?

Free...you are and the things that you get, are anything but FREE!
Rock on bro!


Still, it could be worse; starving in the Savannah, drinking out of a dirty ditch in Cambodia, facing persecution in The Middle East? I think I’ll put up with my First World problems for now.


I’m glad I’m in this country, I put my life on the line for this country, never again. Just because I live here, doesn’t mean I need to support it or will. Wrong is wrong and right is right. The choice is mine. The choice is yours as well.


Not mandatory, and only recommended for the over 50


Not yet


That’s why there was a ? mark after that!


That’s why I answered it.


it's not a big deal at this point.


Dial me up when it becomes a big deal. I can leave IT alone. Hell, you convinced me to take the tread down...look how easily influenced I can be.
