MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > TV shows that weren't cancelled early en...

TV shows that weren't cancelled early enough ?

The X-Files - should have been wrapped up in five seasons
Buffy TVS - should have called it quits after season five
The Wheel of Time - should have been cancelled after the first episode


Little House on the Prairie could have safely hung it up at the end of season 6. Definitely by the middle of season 7.


One Tree Hill - the last 3 seasons are pointless and they lose half of the brother team that the show is built around.
The Walton's - by the final seasons we are left with the cast members that were just scenery in previous seasons.
The Walking Dead - The show starts to feel rather hopeless which I guess is the point but you have to allow them to win sometimes.
Smallville - Everyone gets super powers, aliens turning up frequently. Meh.
Greys Anatomy - Always sucked but sucking for 17 years now??
The Big Bang Theory - Once the guys are coupled up it loses what made it different.
Riverdale - What is exactly the point of this show?
NCIS - The show loses it's magic when DiNozzo then others leave and meh.
Game of Thrones - worst last season, very rushed.
Once Upon A Time


The Game Of Thrones final season was terribly rushed, I agree.
Most fans seem to agree as well.


The whole tone of the show changes because they didn't have any material from the G R.R Martin. They do kill it with a rushed story which was also way too simple.


Big Bang would probably have gone on a few more seasons if Jim Parsons hadn't told them he was quitting (after making sure his Young Sheldon contract was locked in of course). As a result, they had to completely rewrite the second half of the last season.


They no doubt would have kept it going as long as possible. But the magic had long left the show.


The Waltons became terrible, but I do think the show has historical merit in its reflection of changing times and attitudes of both the era it was about, and the era producing the entertainment. Meaning it's interesting to watch for the wrong reasons.


It definitely starts to lose it mid way through it's run then crashes completely. They lose or gloss over a lot of the historical aspects as well. WW2 becomes a footnote if anything probably because they were too cheap to do it justice.


NCIS was my favorite show at one time, but they should have pulled the plug at the end of the ninth season. It had become stale and predictable by then.

Yet here they are, still cranking it out eleven years later.


The revolving door of replacements for DiNozzo was painful. All of them bland. Probie doesn’t have the charisma to carry the show and now Gibbs is pretty much gone too.

The replacement for Abby is also ordinary but the Abby character was in desperate need of development anyway.

Once the core team fell apart the chemistry was gone. Ziva fit in well though.


"Ziva" was one of the main reasons why I watched the show. It was a good series even before she became a part of the team.

Writers can only produce so much quality material before they run out of ideas. This is inevitable no matter how hard they try. When they reach this point, it is better that they just cancel the show.


The chemistry between Ziva and DiNozzo was great as with DiNozzo and Probie. Ziva was better than Kate in my opinion. A rare occurrence of a replacement being better.

I think NCIS would still be decent enough with DiNozzo carrying it.


Freaking Law & Order: SUV. Why the hell is that show still on?


Inexplicable. And that's only one of several "Law & Order" series going all the way back to 1990.


The original Law & Order.
For the last couple seasons they were making cuts left and right (half season, salary cuts, cheepier location shoots, moved production to NJ, etc.) just so they could break the longevity record. NBC finally pulled the plug and said enough.

Now they've brought it back again.

(FYI: They didn't break the record. They may have tied the seasons, but Gunsmoke still has twice as many episodes due to longer seasons. Even SVU doesn't match the episode count)


Freaking Law & Order: SUV

Sports Utility Vehicle?


Isn't that what sexual predators drive these days instead of a white van?


Agree 100% used to watch it but the more interesting Detectives left then it becomes all about Olivia and increasingly Woke.




The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead


Started out so good and then turned into a soap opera.


I can't differentiate any season after the second one. I eventually gave up.


That's because it was during the second season when Frank Darabont, the creator and showrunner, got pushed out.

He FINALLY won his lawsuit against AMC last summer and was awarded $200,000,000.


Happy Days
Family Matters
That 70s Show


Haha, jumped the shark!


The Simpsons


M*A*S*H: Once Radar left, the show was pretty much running on fumes and no longer resembled the show it used to be.

Welcome Back Kotter: Fourth season ranks among the worst of any show at any time. You cannot imagine how difficult it was as a young viewer to watch a good show get creatively flushed down the toilet.


The more Alda took over the worse MASH got. Making Klinger get all gung ho was also sad to see. Even Hot Lips softened a great deal, although that started when Burns left. They lost the whole point.

Not sure if I ever saw all seasons of Kotter, it was fun enough for the times. I can see how it would go down hill.


