MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So, Vince Mcmahon has officially retired...

So, Vince Mcmahon has officially retired from WWE

End of an Era I say.


I think it's sad he had to go out this way.


he was forced out over a sex scandal.




he's juiced up pond scum.


Pond scum could probably put together a better wrestling show these days.


It's hardly surprising news given his character he portrays on TV. It's really not far off from who he actually is in real life.

What really sticks out to me that he's a jerk is when he decided to continue the show after Owen Hart's tragic death in the ring. That moment as a child really stood out to me about what kind of person Vince is.


So did Tom Brady


He's going to run for prez. Another geezer in the WH.






Well yeah, he's the prime age targeted by scammers. You want another mossback handing our secrets to Russia and China?


The good: He consolidated all the various territories, and brought wrestling into the mainstream, making it more popular than ever.

The bad: At some point the storyline/soap opera aspects became just too much. Half a match was/is two guys trash talking each other.


"The good: He consolidated all the various territories"

That's not a good thing. Wrestling was best when there was competition. The Monday night wars between WCW and WWF was prime wrestling at its best.👌 The "Attitude Era" of the late 90s.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was huge with crowds at that time.


I wasn't referring to that (I don't know much about it) but what I heard in the excellent HBO doc Andre the Giant. I can't find a clip, here's from a transcript
The '70s was the heart of the territorial era in pro wrestling in the United States...professional wrestling was divided up
into these fiefdoms around the country. I think at one time there were as many as 32 separate territories (Mid-South Wrestling, Florida Championship Wrestling, and so on). You had certain stars in your territory, in your region, and they were seen as far as your local television coverage would go. Nobody had a national TV show. We (Jerry Lawler talking) had a TV show in Memphis. 200 miles north of Memphis, then that started the St. Louis territory. Then they had a whole set of different wrestling stars there. And over to the east was the Carolinas territory, and they had a whole set of different stars there.

IIRC it was Vince's father (also named Vincent) who started to consolidate the territories. Vince jr. took it to a whole nother level. But as I wrote, it got too soap-opery. I stopped watching when The Rock retired for good.
