hellscape 5

We walked through hell, hells within hells, twisted nightmare passageways, chambers of terror, pits of suffering. From a vast balustrade we peered down at a writhing mass of the accursed. Tormented perpetually doomed figures, a mesh of flesh and flayed souls. The living orange cavern walls wept blood, the acrid air awash with shattered moans and the pitching soul-shredding screams of the damned. Roaming pitiless dogmen bludgeoned with cruel crude cudgels. Red-skinned winged demons harried the mob with barbed whips and worried flesh with their fanged maws. The titanic girthsome form of the Pit Master watched all from a massive red lidless cyclopean eye. He was was once a man, before he served hell. Now nothing remained of the man, only a hulking olive green soul-ingesting demon utterly blood-drunk. Beside me the naked form of Lathyaax. She laughed silently at each new cruelty, at the imponderable mercilessness of it all. But there was always more to see, more curiosities, for hell was endless, here one could spend eternities marvelling at dark inconceivable miracles.


Well said.


Rob Zombie lyrics or a passage lifted from an H.P. Lovecraft story..?


more Slayer than Rob


WHAT'S UP,BRO?....COOL NAME...WELCOME ABOARD...SCARY FUCKING POEM THOUGH..."The titanic girthsome form of the Pit Master watched all from a massive red lidless cyclopean eye"...THAT PART IS ESPECIALLY CREPING ME OUT FOR SOME REASON....ANYWAY...HELLO.😘



just messing around bored at work.
Here is the rest. Probably not good enough to continue but it got thd juices flowing
And it was eternity we faced. Lathyaax told me that in heaven time is meaningless, no clocks held sway. Not so in hell. Minutes seemed like days. You were stuck in the ultra-present. Like those poor bastards down in the pit, their suffering would stretch on for infinity, every moment of agony and degradation fully realised. But not everyone in hell was made to suffer. Some were given the chance to reach demonhood. But there were many hurdles to face, tests to overcome before one could take the first steps towards dark salvation. Failure meant damnation. I faced one such test - The Maze...

Thirty individuals would enter the maze from random locations. The rules were simple: the one left alive would escape; the rest would find themselves in an unutterable corner of hell, deathless and damned. Lathyaax, sat atop a banquet table, her feet resting on a chair. She held a goblet under her vagina and let it fill with her menstrual blood. She offered me the goblet and I drank the blackness greedily. My head swam, her diabolic essence coursing through me, granting me infernal power I would need to stand a chance of survival. I looked into her eyes, no pupil or iris, just orbs of pure obsidian. I wanted her, to sodomise her, to reach for her pendulous breasts, to take a fistful of her flaxen hair and push my mouth into hers. But only the victorious would enjoy such pleasures, only the worthy.

'Arm yourself,' She said, 'choose wisely.'
I walked the length of the lantern-lit dining room into the armoury. She padded behind me, bare feet lapping at the stone floor. The armoury was was well stocked. Lathaax would offer no advice, I knew, the choices to make were mine alone. I had to rely on my instincts. Several suits armour stood on racks, each of curious alien design. As I did not know what I would face in the maze I settled on blackene




what's this all about?
