MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Fast Food Chain Begging

Fast Food Chain Begging

Every time I go to a particular Panda Express near me they ask me two addition questions at order's end: "Would you like to donate a dollar for The Children's Hospital?" and then after I say NO "Would you like to round your change up to the nearest dollar?"

First, I donate to a few charities that I personally know are handling the funds properly and above the table. I don't begrudge Panda for asking for a buck for a charity. I simply am not going to do it their way and through them. Not a problem.

Second, what the fuck are they thinking asking for my money after I said "no" to the first question? I asked "what for?" once and they responded with a story about change shortages and the impact on the economy. It was not a 2nd lesser tier of donation to the Children's Hospitals. They think if I don't want to part with some small change to help children that I would possibly be up for giving them some money.

Today they begged for my money a 3rd time in a row. I calmly said "I do not wish to donate and I would not like to give you more money than what you are selling me costs."

I tip often and fairly well. Even at some fast food joints if there is a jar. I don't like it when a business makes it a policy to beg for my money. It makes me want to avoid them. I would probably have given them more money than they were begging for had they only quietly had a little tip jar.

Do any of the places that you go to eat shamelessly beg you for extra money?


Next time ask them if they'd like to round your change up to the dollar and tell them it's due to the impact of your personal economy.


Like you, I support the charities I want and I don't feel guilty saying' "no thanks." IMO, being unable to say no about so many things in life is the cause of much unhappiness.
